Assegno di Ricerca PRIN - Università Milano-Bicocca


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su segnalazione del Prof. Francesco Giuntoli (Università di Bologna), vi inoltriamo il seguente messaggio relativo a un assegno di ricerca della durata di due anni relativo al progetto PRIN 22 "RISING".

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Postdoctoral Researcher in Observational Seismology

University of Milan-Bicocca | Two-Year Position

I am recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to join the University of Milan-Bicocca for a two-year term. 

The application window is open from NOW until  12:00 of the 13/06/2024.
Further details about the application process and the link to apply can be found here.
The position is part of the national PRIN project "RISING: The role of continental lithosphere in subduction zones: sinking or floating?" and involves collaboration with the University of Bologna (Francesco Giuntoli) and Pietro Sternai (Milan-Bicocca). The successful candidate will focus on the passive-seismic dataset from Oman and the United Arab Emirates, encompassing approximately 110 broadband sensors. Funds for conference attendance are available. The gross salary is €21,800 per year, tax-exempt.
The researcher will play a key role in analyzing and interpreting the passive-seismic dataset, collaborating with a multidisciplinary team, mentoring students, and actively contributing to conferences and publications.
For more information, please contact me at or
Feel free to share this opportunity with individuals who might be interested in contributing to groundbreaking research in observational seismology. I look forward to welcoming a dedicated researcher to our team!
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