Join or renew


To join the Italian Geological Society (SGI) it is necessary to submit an application online. The applicant is requested to provide personal data, type of education and obtained degree (B.Sc., Master, PhD, other), professional situation, both ordinary and e-mail addresses for communications.

The SGI membership provides for the acceptance and observation of the rules of the Statute and the Regulations of the Society. All members have the same rights and obligations towards the SGI and its social life.

The membership fee represents the fundamental support to all social activities, aimed at promoting the culture of Geoscience both within the national and international scientific community, and to develop its outreach. Joining the Society or renewing the memebership with the Italian Geological Society means supporting the whole Geoscience community in the name of history, tradition and promotion.

In order to join the society or renew the membership, it is necessary to follow the instructions given at the following link:


The Italian Geological Society offers different grades of membership. The fee differs according to the different categories (students, PhD students, School teachers, young, ordinary, senior member) and the type of membership chosen (Basic, Silver, Gold, Platinum). The different types of membership defined for each category give access to SGI's published products in a different way.

The BASIC fee guarantees the registration to the Society and all the benefits provided for the members, which are i) the access to the magazine Geologicamente (GM); ii) the access to the Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana (ROL), iii) the discounted registration fees to all the social activities (congresses, meetings of the Sections, summer schools, workshops, etc.), iv) the purchase of all the special publications of the SGI (books, geological guides, etc.) including the equipments used for the field activity branded with the logo of the Society, at special rates dedicated to the members, v) the access to the overall past scientific publications (e.g., papers, maps) of the Society since 1881.

The SILVER fee also guarantees the access to the electronic format of the Italian Journal of Geosciences (IJG).

The GOLD and PLATINUM fees also include the possibility to receive the hardcopy of the Italian Journal of Geosciences, and all thematic attachments in paper form (geological maps, tables, etc.).

The PLATINUM fee also grants the book "Geologia della Valle d'Aosta" edited by Leonsevero Passeri and Giorgio V. Dal Piaz.

Members of the categories Students and PhD students who join the SGI will get the right of access to the higher type of membership fee paid (e.g. BASIC fee -> SILVER access).

YEAR 2025
"early bird" individual membership within 31 January 2025




(supporting members)

editorial products

+ IJG online
GM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy

GM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy
+ "Geologia della Val d'Aosta"

Students (< 27 years)

€ 20,00€ 20,00€ 60,00≥ € 130,00

PhD students

€ 20,00€ 20,00€ 60,00≥ € 130,00
School teachers€ 20,00€ 35,00€ 60,00≥ € 130,00

Juniores (< 30 years)

€ 35,00€ 55,00€ 80,00≥ € 130,00


€ 60,00€ 80,00€ 100,00≥ € 130,00

Seniores (> 70 years)

€ 35,00€ 55,00€ 80,00≥ € 130,00

YEAR 2025
"regular" membership after 31 January 2025




(supporting members)

editorial products

+ IJG online

GM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy

GM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy
+ "Geologia della Val d'Aosta"

Students (< 27 years)

€ 25,00€ 25,00€ 75,00≥ € 130,00

PhD Students

€ 25,00€ 25,00€ 75,00≥ € 130,00
School teachers€ 25,00€ 45,00€ 75,00≥ € 130,00

Juniores (< 30 years)

€ 45,00€ 70,00€ 100,00≥ € 130,00


€ 75,00€ 95,00€ 120,00≥ € 130,00

Seniores (> 70 years)

€ 45,00€ 70,00€ 100,00≥ € 130,00


The fee for research, education and territorial management institutions and companies differs according to the type of chosen membership (Basic, Silver, Gold, Platinum), which provides access to SGI's editorial products in a differentiated manner, and according to the quantity of the editorial products.

The BASIC fee guarantees to the Society the access to the magazine Geologicamente, to the Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana (ROL) and the purchase of all printed publications at rates dedicated to members and will enjoy all the facilities provided by the Society.

The SILVER fee also guarantees access to the electronic format of the Italian Journal of Geosciences (IJG).

The GOLD fee allows the member to receive, in addition to SGI publications in electronic format, also the paper format of the Italian Journal of Geosciences, including all thematic attachments in paper form (geological maps, tables, etc.).

YEAR 2025
membership dues for Institutions and Companies





editorial products

GM + ROLGM + ROL + IJG onlineGM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy GM + ROL + IJG paper and digital copy
+ "Geologia della Val d'Aosta"

single copy + 1 on-line access

€ 500,00€ 700,00€ 1000,00≥ € 1500,00

single copy + 5 on-line access

€ 750,00€ 950,00€ 1250,00≥ € 1750,00

single copy + 10 on-line access

€ 1000,00€ 1150,00€ 1500,00≥ € 2000,00


Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies can apply for "light" membership, which allow obtaining visibility of their logo and activities through the website of the Italian Geological Society (SGI) in a dedicated page.

The institutional association also guarantees to the members of the Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies to obtain:

  • 10% discount to all its members on all editorial products, congress and educational initiatives organized by the Italian Geological Society (e.g., summer schools, workshops, conferences, congresses, publications, etc.);
  • dissemination of their news and materials through the SGI media (newsletters, mailing lists, website, conference bags);
  • Exhibition booth in one of the SGI congresses.
  • use of the Zoom SGI virtual room.

Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies will have the opportunity to participate with their President, or his/her delegate, to the General Assemblies of the Italian Geological Society and possibly, subject to the invitation of the SGI President, to the Board of Directors, when issues of Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies are discussed.

YEAR 2025
institutional membership dues for Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies

editorial products

benefitsmembership due


Logo on the website + 10% discount to its members
SGI products and activities + material distribution through SGI
+ Exhibition booth in one of the SGI congresses
use of the Zoom SGI virtual room
€ 750,00


all its associates with the enjoyment of
the same rights and duties as SGI members.
membership fee dimensioned according
to the number and type of members


Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies can apply for a "full" membership. In this case, the SGI membership must provide, so that it has legal value, the possibility for all its members to enjoy the same rights and duties of the SGI members.

This membership involves the payment by the Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies of an institutional fee sized to the number and type of members of the associating Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies. The applicant of the no-profit scientific Society/Association will directly pay the fee to the SGI.

The request for a "full" membership must be accompanied by the list of members, and all their personal and professional details, and the consent to use their personal data. The "full" membership implies the acceptance of the current Statute and Regulations of the SGI by the associating Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies.

Once associated, the Scientific and/or non-profit Associations and Societies will be configured as a Section of the SGI and will be able to enjoy all the rights/duties of the other SGI Sections (art.4 Regulations). Its members will have the same rights/duties of the SGI Members.