Bando per n. 1 posizione di Dottorato di Ricerca - Fault displacement hazard analysis


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Paolo Boncio (Università Chieti-Pescara "G. D'Annunzio"), vi segnaliamo il bando per una posizione di Dottorato dal titolo "Fault Displacement Hazard on Principal Fault rupture: probability of occurrence, slip distribution and role of surface geology". 

Di seguito potrete trovare maggiori informazioni sul progetto di ricerca.

Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria SGI

PhD call on FAULT DISPLACEMENT HAZARD ANALYSIS, 2022-2025, Italy – France collaboration
Fault displacement hazard (FDH) is a localized hazard due to rupture of the ground surface from slip along an earthquake fault. This can be a significant source of danger for infrastructure, industrial facilities, or even housing. There is a growing interest from the scientific community, the geoscience practitioners' world and from stakeholders for methods aimed at quantifying FDH. This is required also by the need of updating the current methodologies of FDH Analysis with approaches in step with the most modern engineering mitigation solutions developed in the past decades. Probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis (PFDHA) is one methodology, though with limitations that need to be overcome.
The PhD project is aimed at developing the methodology of PFDHA. It will be in continuity with promising results obtained in the past few years. The project will be developed within an international collaboration between Italy (University of Chieti – UdA and INGV) and France (IRSN, IsTERRE).

PhD title: Fault Displacement Hazard on Principal Fault rupture: probability of occurrence, slip distribution and role of surface geology

Supervising team: Paolo Boncio (UdA), Francesco Visini (INGV), Stéphane Baize (IRSN)
Collaboration team: Céline Beauval (IsTERRE), Oona Scotti (IRSN), Bruno Pace (UdA)
UdA: University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy); INGV: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy); IRSN: Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France); IsTERRE: Institut des Sciences de la Terre (Grenoble, France)
Expected results: probabilistic models to forecast the distribution of slip along capable faults; specific relationships depending on surface geology conditions to be used with the aim of providing a complete model (principal + distributed faulting) for PFDHA.

Methods: analysis of geological data from historical earthquake surface ruptures occurred globally; statistical analysis; coding by Python and/or Matlab; application of models to real cases.

Who: we encourage the application of students who love combining knowledge in geosciences with numerical quantification methods (statistical analyses, Python and/or Matlab coding).

Where: The student will be based in the University of Chieti (UdA, Italy), with tight cooperation with INGV team. Long duration stays in France (ideally 2 of 3 months each) in Paris (IRSN) and Grenoble (IsTERRE) are planned.

How to apply (expected deadline for application: end of July 2022): The student will be recruited following the UdA procedure at (look for Call for PhD positions Doctoral Programme 38th cycle (BANDI DI CONCORSO in Italian), PhD program in GEOSCIENCES):
Ask for info, or send your CV @
Paolo Boncio,
Stéphane Baize,

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