Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Prof.ssa Lucia Angiolini (Università di Milano) e del Prof. Andrea Zanchi (Università di Milano Bicocca), vi inoltriamo il messaggio del Prof. Mike Stephenson, Past President del Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) e direttore del DDE Europe/Middle East.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
A FUNDING OPPORTUNITY as part of the IUGS Deep-time Digital Earth programme.
The Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE;, the first IUGS-recognized big science programme, was officially launched during the 73rd IUGS Executive Council Meeting held in Beijing (February 2019). This program will provide many new opportunities and directions for the development of the earth sciences. The DDE mission is to harmonize deep-time Earth data, share global geoscience knowledge and facilitate data-driven discovery in the understanding of Earth's evolution.
Funding of $40-50k per year for three years is available for 3-5 projects ( I'm holding workshops on 3 and 9 May to give more information on the scheme and on DDE. Register your interest for the workshops at
Prof. Mike Stephenson, Past President of DDE and DDE Director Europe/Middle East (