Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Dott. Michele Delchiaro (Università di Roma, Sapienza), vi segnaliamo la Call for Abstracts relativa alla sessione GM9.2 "Exploring the feedback between tectonics and landscape evolution processes", organizzata nell'ambito dell'EGU General Assembly 2023.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Titolo: Exploring the feedback between tectonics and landscape evolution processes
Convener: Mauro Bonasera Co-conveners: Esra Tunçel, Michele Delchiaro, Ciro Cerrone, Marta Della Seta
The unrelenting competition between tectonic processes, tending to build topography, and surface processes, striving to tear them down, represents the core of both tectonic and geomorphological recent studies. Structural elements (e.g., folds, joints, faults) usually shape the Earth surface leading the geomorphic processes to remodel the topography with different mechanisms and rates. For instance, gravitational processes can occur along hillslopes that adjust to high rates of rock uplift and erosion; bedrock streams, and generally fluvial processes, mostly control the landscape evolution of inner land areas recording tectonic rate changes; coastal processes interact with uplifted landmasses adjacent to oceans. In a broader perspective, the geological hazard and related risk evaluations are strongly influenced by a correct quantification of the interaction between surface processes and endogenous dynamics. The resulting knowledge should be implicated in planning suitable mitigation strategies. Several techniques have helped the scientific community to assess the landscape evolution processes due to tectonics. Hence, we encourage contributions focusing on:
- Analyses of geomorphic markers (e.g., terraces, fans, paleo-shorelines, deltas, moraines, landslides);
- Geodetic studies (e.g., GPS, UAV and satellite images analyses);
- GIS and innovative geo-informatic approaches;
- Different time-scale deformation rate assessment;
- Numerical landscape evolution modeling.
Deadline for Roland Schlich Travel Grant: 1 Dicembre 2022
Final Deadline: 10 Gennaio 2023