Car* tutt*,
su segnalazione dei colleghi Rob Butler e Rodolfo Carosi, si inoltra una comunicazione riguardante l'evento "Waiting for Yorsget", simposio online rivolto ai giovani ricercatori in Geologia Strutturale e Tettonica, che si terrà il 21-22 Giugno 2021. La scadenza per la registrazione e per la sottomissione dei riassunti è molto vicina, il 30 Maggio 2021.
Un caro saluto,
La segretaria GIGS
Dear colleagues,
Deadline approaching!
Contacts etc on website: URL below.
This is a quick final reminder for the online virtual symposium for Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (YORSGET). Although this community is chiefly of early career earth scientists – all are welcome!.
"Waiting for Yorsget"
21-22 June 2021, hosted online by the Italian Geological Society
It is an event to bridge to the in-person conference (Sicily) that has been postponed to 2022.
Waiting for Yorsget will run on two consecutive afternoons (13.40 – 17.00 CET) and revolves around two pairs of keynote talks:
Whitney Behr: "What's down there? The structures, materials and environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor".
Haakon Fossen: "From deep continental subduction to profound orogenic stretching: The Caledonide example".
Michele Fondriest: "The shallow internal structure of carbonate-hosted seismogenic faults: constraints from field structural surveys and near surface geophysics".
Mary Ford: "Rethinking an orogen - a new look at the Pyrenees and how they evolved".
Each pair of presentations is followed by extensive discussion, networking and poster sessions.
Rob Butler
(on behalf of the organizing team)
Last call - 'Waiting for Yorsget' participation