Le domande dovranno essere presentate entro il 24 Marzo 2017, inviando i seguenti allegati via email all'ESSAC Office (essac@geomar.de): Lettera motivazionale (Letter of Interest, massimo 2 pagine), CV e lettera di presentazione da parte di un supervisore, da compilare secondo i relativi template scaricabili al link http://www.ecord.org/education/scholarship/.
N.B. La presentazione di tale domanda è completamente indipendente da application e processo di registrazione alle singole Summer Schools (scadenze e dettagli ai relativi link disponibili alla pagina http://www.ecord.org/education/summer-schools/).
The ECORD Scholarships are open to young scientists based in ECORD countries (see
Preference will be given to PhD students or early-career post-doctoral research scientists. The review of the applications will be made by ESSAC, the ECORD Science Committee, and the decisions will be communicated by the mid May 2017.
The deadline to apply for an ECORD Scholarship is 24 March 2017.
Applications should be sent to the ESSAC Office (essac@geomar.de) and should include a detailed Letter of Interest (max. two pages), a CV and a Letter of Support from one supervisor. Please download and use the templates for the CV and Letter of Support from our website:
No other attachments will be accepted. The most important document of the package is the Letter of Interest, which should outline the motivation for your application and summarise how attendance at the summer school will be beneficial for your future scientific career. Application for an ECORD Scholarship is independent of the application and registration process to an ECORD Summer School. Please be aware that application and registration for the ECORD Summer Schools must be made directly through the respective Summer School organisers (see contact links below) and not through the ESSAC office.
For further information or questions, please contact the ESSAC Office:
ESSAC - Science Support and Advisory Committee of ECORD - European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling
Jan Behrmann (ESSAC Chair) - Hanno Kinkel (ESSAC Science Coordinator)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für
Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel | Germany