Call for papers - New scientific advances from the CARG project (Italian official geological and geothematic mapping project)


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Marco Malusà (Università di Milano Bicocca ed EiC dei GFT&M), desideriamo segnalarvi la Call for Papers per il numero speciale della rivista Geological Field Trips and Maps, dal titolo "New scientific advances from the CARG project (Italian official geological and geothematic mapping project)".

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al testo riportato di seguito in lingua inglese.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria SGI

The recent relaunch of the CARG Project, the official Italian project of geological and geothematic cartography, has fueled the collection of new field data for the advancement of geosciences. For this special issue we are looking for contributions that, starting from the data collected during the CARG Project in the Alps-Apennines system and in the neighboring regions, allow new steps forward in various fields of Earth Sciences, such as stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, structural geology, volcanology, petrology, metamorphic geology, geomorphology and tectonics. Both guides and maps aimed at summarizing or exploring in more detail specific scientific topics that emerged during the project are welcome. 
Guest Editors:
Gino Romagnoli (ISPRA Rome)
Marco Nocentini (ISPRA Rome)
Federica Foglini (ISMAR-CNR Bologna)
Luisa Sabato (University of Bari)
Diego Pieruccioni (ISPRA Rome)
Stefano Zanchetta (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Key words: CARG project, geological cartography, geothematic cartography

Deadline for submission: February 2026


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