Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Prof.ssa Magdala Tesauro (Università di Trieste), vi segnaliamo che la sottomissione degli abstract allo IASPEI IAGA meeting 2025, che si terrà a Lisbona nella prima settimana di settembre, è aperta. La scadenza per la sottomissione è il 12 marzo 2025. La lista dei simposi si può trovare al seguente link:
Tra i simposi presenti nella lista si segnala:
S19 Thermochemical Heterogeneities in the Crust and Upper Mantle from Geophysical Approaches
Convener: Magdala Tesauro (Italy)
Co-convener(s): Fabio Cammarano (Italy), Juan Carlos Afonso (Netherlands), Javier Fullea (Spain)
Tectonic processes, which shape the surface of the Earth and cause its seismic activity, are driven by strong heterogeneities of density due to temperature and compositional changes in the crust and upper mantle. Knowledge of variations of these parameters in the lithosphere and sub-lithospheric mantle offers the opportunity to estimate other physical properties of the Earth, such as the rheology and is essential for understanding the evolution of the continental interiors. Seismic and other geophysical studies, such as gravity and magnetotelluric, provide essential insights into the physical properties of the crust and upper mantle at increasingly higher resolution. In particular, tomographic images of seismic velocity perturbations are a powerful tool to evidence variations of the crustal and lithospheric thickness and estimate temperatures, assuming a uniform composition. However, it is more challenging to derive temperatures taking into account compositional variations. For this aim, different types of geophysical (e.g., seismic data, geoid, gravity anomalies, elevation, surface heat flow, and gravity gradients) and petrological (e.g., xenoliths) data, have to be interpreted using interdisciplinary approaches. In this session, we welcome contributions that integrate seismic data with mineral physics, petrology, potential fields, and thermal constraints, to unravel the thermo-chemical conditions of the crust and upper mantle, with potential applications to tectonics, seismic hazard assessment, and resources exploration. We especially encourage contributions from young researchers and studies that focus on the interdisciplinary understanding of the physical state of the lithosphere.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
IASPEI-IAGA Meeting - Sottomissione Abstract