EGU 2025 – Call for Abstracts Session TS5.4 - Magma Storage, transport, and associated host-rock deformation processes: integrating field observations, remote Sensing, and multiscale modelling


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci delle Società Associate,

su indicazione della Dott. Daniele Maestrelli (CNR-IGG), desideriamo segnalarvi la sessione TS5.4 - Magma Storage, transport, and associated host-rock deformation processes: integrating field observations, remote Sensing, and multiscale modelling, che si terrà nell'ambito del congresso EGU 2025, in programma a Vienna dal 27 aprile al 2 maggio 2025 (

Convener: Uddalak Biswas, Daniele Maestrelli, Olivier Galland, Nibir Mandal

Di seguito troverete maggiori informazioni in lingua inglese.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

EGU 2025 – Call for Abstracts Session TS5.4 - Magma Storage, transport, and associated host-rock deformation processes: integrating field observations, remote Sensing, and multiscale modelling

Dear Colleagues,

If you are working on magma transport, emplacement and related deformation mechanisms through various techniques, you are warmly invited to submit an abstract (you can use the link our EGU 2025 session "TS5.4 - Magma Storage, transport, and associated host-rock deformation processes: integrating field observations, remote Sensing, and multiscale modelling" co-organized by the TS/GMPV Divisions. See the session description below for more details.
We look forward to seeing you in Vienna next year!

The TS5.4 session conveners

Uddalak Biswas, Daniele Maestrelli, Olivier Galland, Nibir Mandal

"TS5.4 - Magma Storage, transport, and associated host-rock deformation processes: integrating field observations, remote Sensing, and multiscale modelling"
 The formation of magma storage zones and subsequent magma pathways towards the surface are crucial processes in driving a range of Earth's magmatic phenomena, such as continental volcanism, volcanic arc development, and oceanic lithospheric generation at mid-ocean ridges. Both magma storage and propagation imply that magma makes its own space by deforming the host rock. Understanding the coupling between magma flow and host rock deformation has spurred a robust line of research on melt transport mechanisms, with the objective to unveil how the melt and the surrounding host rock of complex rheology interact, determining the structure of magma pathways and driving flow dynamics . Varying combinations of magma and host rheologies eventually give rise to diverse intrusive geometries, ranging from typical tabular dikes and sills to more complex non-tabular conduits and batholiths. It is a major challenge to theoretically or experimentally predict them in terms of magma emplacement mechanisms under a given melt-wall rheological combination. Furthermore, a comprehensive interpretation of volcanic and magmatic processes must account for variability in spatial and temporal scales, from microscopic crystals to kilometre-wide volcanoes and from "moments" to millions of years. This becomes particularly relevant when questioning how magmatic systems form a network, create pathways for melt migration, and eventually erupt to the surface. A direction of these studies shows the role of faults and shear zones as potential pathways for magma movement. However, faults can either aid or hinder magma ascent depending on stress orientation, permeability, and mechanical properties. We thus need to substantially refine the present knowledge about fault-driven magma migration and look for alternative models. This session aims to explore innovative methods, modelling techniques and case studies shedding light onto magmatic systems, with particular interest for the underlying mechanisms of magma storage formation, melt transport, modes of magma emplacement, and associated wall-rock deformation, including also application-oriented issues. We welcome contributions from experts in diverse directions, such as field analysis, InSAR, seismicity, seismic imaging, gravity and electromagnetic data, as well as experimental, analogue, numerical, and thermal modelling, with the objective to discuss the problems of magma dynamics and related subjects with an integrated approach.

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