Geology Bites - New Episode September 1, 2024 - Sara Seager on Exoplanet Geology


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione di Rodolfo Carosi (Università di Torino e Presidente SGI) vi segnaliamo l'ultimo podcast di Geology Bites (Conversations about geology with researchers making key contributions to our understanding of the Earth and the Solar System):

Sara Seager - Exoplanet Geology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Di seguito troverete il messaggio dell'ideatore, Oliver Strimpel, e il link al  sito web di Geology Bites.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Hello, listeners,

In the new episode, Sara Seager, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Physics, and Planetary Science at MIT, tells us that we are beginning to learn about the atmospheres and surfaces of exoplanets. I find it truly awe-inspiring that we can do this, given that these bodies are tens to thousands of light years away, and tens of billions of times fainter in emitted/reflected light than their parent star.

This is another one of those episodes in which I find the observational techniques and theories that support them as impressive as the findings.  And the pace of progress is astounding.  Seager says that the whole subject of exoplanet studies was considered laughable barely 25 years ago when she started work on it, and now it's so serious that probably a third of all astronomers and some scientists from other branches work full time on it.

I hope you enjoy listening.
