Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Dottoressa Manuela Lasagna (Università di Torino), vi inoltriamo il seguente messaggio in merito alla call for abstract relativa alla sessione "Approaches to sustainable groundwater management in a changing world" nell'ambito del prossimo congresso mondiale dell' International Association of Hydrogeologists (Davos, Switzerland, 8-13/09/2024).
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to present your work at the next IAH24 - World Groundwater Congress: Interacting Groundwater (Davos, Switzerland, 8-13/09/2024).
We would like to draw your attention concerning our session entitled: Approaches to sustainable groundwater management in a changing world (topic: SUSTAINABLE GROUNDWATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT)
Groundwater availability and sustainable water consumption is of crucial relevance. This session seeks contributions from institutions, industries, companies, and organizations who prioritize groundwater by working on strategic and novel technical solutions to address shared water challenges and/or working towards meeting their ambitious water goals. So, we are inviting presentations taking up these challenges and especially encouraging (but not limited to) contributions on the following topics: e.g. Water quality indicators; Water scarcity indexes and availability; Groundwater recharge and climate change; Anthropic and natural impact on groundwater resources; Geothermal water as a source of renewable energy; Nature Based Solutions, water management, and digital solutions; Groundwater-surface water management strategies to increase resilience.
Session Conveners: Margarida Antunes (Univ. Minho, Portugal); Manuela Lasagna (Univ. Turin, Italy); Markus Ackermann (ERM); Lahcen Benaabidate (Univ. Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fes); Andreas Stoll (ERM), Nana Kitiashvili (LEPL National Environmental Agency, Georgia).
The abstract (maximum 2000 characters) submission deadline is 29 February 2024 (submission platform
Please, pass this information to anyone who might be interested and feel free to contact us if you need any help or support.
Looking forward to meeting you
Warmest Regards
Margarida, Manuela, Markus, Lahcen, Andreas and Nana
Call for abstract Congresso mondiale International Association of Hydrogeologist