Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Paolo Ciavola (Università di Ferrara), vi segnaliamo il seguente messaggio relativo al prossimo 35th International Geographical Congress, che si terrà a Dublino dal 24 al 30 agosto 2024.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Cari soci e socie,
vi ricordo che nell'ambito del prossimo 35th International Geographical Congress che si terrà a Dublino dal 24 al 30 agosto 2024 è stata accettata una serie di sessioni su tematiche relative alla geomorfologia costiera, con il patrocinio dalla Commission on Coastal Systems IGU di cui faccio parte in qualità di membro del comitato direttivo.
La scadenza per la sottomissione degli abstracts si sta avvicinando rapidamente, essendo il 12 gennaio p.v., il link per sottomettere gli abstracts è il seguente
Il sito della conferenza può essere raggiunto all'indirizzo
Sotto trovate i dettagli specifici della sessione che presiedo da indicare quando viene inviato l'abstract:
Reference number: 162
Commission: C.06: Coastal Systems
Title: Transdisciplinary Science for Near-future Habitable Coasts
Chairperson: Prof Paolo Ciavola
Author(s): Prof Paolo Ciavola, Prof Iris Moeller, Prof Tom Spencer, Dr Anne Marie O'Hagan
Nell'ambito della conferenza vi sono varie sessioni relative alla geomorfologia costiera che hanno ricevuto la sponsorship da parte della CCS della IGU:
Climate change and local knowledge in coastal and island contexts
Organized by Miss Maeve McGandy (University of Galway), Miss Shirley Howe (Maynooth University; ICARUS Climate Research Centre).
This session seeks to explore the role of local knowledge in understanding and addressing climate change within coastal and island contexts. While 'the local' evades a singular geographical definition, we argue that learning with and from local cultures, dynamics, knowledge, and practices is vital within contemporary climate change research, meanwhile acknowledging and attending to the historical marginalization of such knowledge forms within science, policy, and practice. Coastal and island communities are recognised as highly vulnerable to climate change where past, current, and potential future impacts can include erosion, flooding, ecosystem loss, salinity incursion, infrastructure damage, and displacement. In such contexts, place-based climate change responses can present as a complex intermingling of the cultural, 'non-human' nature, and the physical. Locally attuned understandings are therefore central to responding to climate-related challenges, as is increasingly recognised within policies and agendas across scales. We invite submissions focusing on local and indigenous perspectives and responses to climate change within coastal or island community settings. Cross-disciplinary and Early Career Researchers are especially encouraged to submit. Topics could include but are not limited to: Socio Ecological relationships; Community-led initiatives in adaptation, mitigation and sustainability; Locally identified pressures on resilience; Understandings of risk; History, heritage and culture in an era of climate change.
Managing coastal hazards and minimizing vulnerability
Organized by Dr Ritika Prasad and Shachi Rai (University of Lucknow).
A coastal hazard is the occurrence of a phenomenon that has the potential to harm or destroy infrastructure, buildings, or natural ecosystems. They all differ in some way and take place on various time and space scales. The likelihood that coastal regions would be subject to coastal hazards is made more likely by the possibility of rising sea levels as a result of climate change. The vulnerability of coastal areas has dramatically grown as a result of population growth, urbanization, and migration closer to the coast. Therefore, managing coastal hazards is essential to reduce risk for populations located nearer to the coast. It is particularly urgent because many small island nation-states and developing littoral countries with high population densities are hit much harder due to the lack of resources and assets to handle the calamity. Therefore, managing coastal hazards is a topic that coastal states worldwide are keen to discuss. To reduce their vulnerability to natural disasters, local communities and governments must firmly commit to operating in accordance with the Sendai Framework's (2015- 2030) principles. Researchers are welcome to discuss case studies, models, ideas, and techniques in this session that place a focus on acquiring the abilities and knowledge required to effectively anticipate, counteract, and recover from coastal disasters. It will also provide a place for discussion to increase understanding of the problem and identify potential solutions.
Transdisciplinary science for near-future habitable coasts
Organized by Prof Paolo Ciavola (Università di Ferrara), Prof Iris Moeller (Trinity College Dublin), Prof Tom Spencer (University of Cambridge), Dr Anne Marie O'Hagan (University College Cork).
Coastal form and function results from a mosaic of human, physical, chemical, and biological processes, operating over a range of intertwined time and space scales. But understanding these complexities is vital; how in a time of climate crisis will human health, well-being and livelihoods at the coast be maintained in the near future? Recently, more widespread and detailed monitoring of coastal dynamics, aided by advances in digital technologies and earth observation, have led to a greater appreciation of the locally specific manifestations in which otherwise global drivers (e.g. changes in global mean temperature and sea level rise) are intricately meshed with both particular coastal settings and human actions at the sub-regional scale. In the face of often severe coastal management challenges, these developments could be seen as the necessary foundation for better informed, innovative, equitable, sustainable, community-focused, and co-created local and regional flood and erosion risk control, wise resource use, and ecosystem restoration and conservation. Restricted resources and/or unequal distribution of knowledge, power, and finance, however, may be some of the reasons why the potential of this increase in technical and process know-how has not (yet) been realised in many regulatory and management regimes. We invite contributions to this session that explore the notion that stronger location-specific coastal dynamics knowledge, and its appropriate application, provides the way forward towards more sustainable coastal human-environment interactions at a time of unprecedented coastal societal challenges. Contributions that challenge this notion and explore alternative perspectives are also welcome.
Managing, protecting, and conserving of the coastal natural resources
Organized by Prof Colin Woodroffe (University of Wollongong), and Dr Bhanwar Vishvendra Raj Singh (Mohanlal Sukhadia University).
Managing, protecting, and conserving coastal natural resources is crucial for maintaining the health and sustainability of coastal ecosystems, which provide numerous benefits to both the environment and human communities. Coastal areas are among the most biologically diverse and economically valuable regions on Earth, but they are also highly vulnerable to various threats, including pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, and overexploitation of resources. These threats are related to the management and sustainability of natural resources. Also, these pressures arise from a combination of environmental, social, and economic factors, and they can have far-reaching consequences for both the coastal ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. In this condition, there are a few key strategies and principles for effectively managing coastal natural resources such as Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Protected Areas, Sustainable Fishing, and Aquaculture, Coastal Habitat Restoration, Pollution Control, Climate Change Adaptation, Community Engagement, Scientific Research, and Monitoring, International Cooperation, Education and Outreach, etc. By adopting these strategies and principles, we can work towards preserving our coastal environments' ecological integrity and long-term sustainability. This session highlights coastal threats to natural resources requires a combination of scientific research, sustainable resource management practices, policy development, and international collaboration. Coastal resilience and sustainable development are essential to mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment and coastal communities' livelihoods.
35th International Geographical Congress - Scadenza invio abstract