International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology – ICFS2023


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Massimiliano Ghinassi (Università di Padova), vi segnaliamo che dal 15 gennaio 2023 sarà possible sottomettere gli abstract per l'International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, che si terrà presso Riva del Garda dal 2 al 7 luglio 2023.

Cordiali saluti, 

La segreteria

Dear all,
we are glad to inform you that abstract submission for the 12th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology will open on the 15th of January 2023.
Visit the website ( for more details, and have a look at this video ( to get an overview about the meeting in just two minutes!
 After more than 40 years, the ICFS is still the most relevant international platform where the fluvial sedimentology community can meet and debate. The scientific community joining the ICFS has been growing, and in the last editions also geomorphologists, engineers and ecologists presented researches with different viewpoints on the processes, deposits and landforms that are connected to the fluvial systems. Following the introductory ICFS2021 online meeting, we are finally ready to meet in the outstanding frame of Riva del Garda, in Italy, during the 12th ICFS edition.
This meeting will consider fluvial systems in their general and specific aspects at different time and spatial scales, from basin analysis and the source-to-sink approach in a continental scale down to the analysis of bedforms and depositional facies in outcrops, cores, flumes and virtual reality.
We are looking forward to meet you all in Riva del Garda!
The Executive Committee

Massimiliano Ghinassi
Andrea D'Alpaos
Alessandro Fontana
Nicola Surian
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