Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Prof.ssa Paola Cianfarra (Università di Genova), vi segnaliamo che dal 3 al 5 Maggio 2023, presso l'Antico Spedale del Bigallo (Firenze) si terranno i Chianti Topics.
"The main purpose of the Chianti Topics is to let experts in a research field meet, to allow students discuss with the experts and to favor the exchange of information mainly through informal discussions in a pleasant and comfortable environment.
The Chianti Topics International Focus Workshop is an extraordinary opportunity for experts in a selected field to meet young researchers in the unique surroundings of the medieval ANTICO SPEDALE DEL BIGALLO nearby Florence. The 6th edition of the Chianti Topics is organized by Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti, Università di Firenze, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), DISTAV Università di Genova, Società Geologica Italiana, Sezione Geologia Planetaria della Società Geologica Italiana, Sezione Geologia Strutturale della Società Geologica Italiana, Società Italiana di Scienze Planetarie, and Centro Interdipartimentale Universitario ORSA. It is intended to offer an up-to-date view on planetary environments from planet Earth to Exoplanets through the Solar System. This ambitious multi-disciplinary approach is an incredible and unique opportunity to share expertise and create synergies. All the contributions dealing with studies, observations and experiments (in-field or laboratory) on analogous of planetary environments are very welcome. We invite students and post-docs to join researchers and experts to attend and discuss their recent results in this frontier research, giving highlights on future projects and research."
Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda alla prima circolare.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Chiantitopics 2023