4th Henk Zwart Award by TecTask IUGS


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Rodolfo Carosi (Università di Torino e Vicepresidente SGI), vi segnaliamo l'apertura delle candidature per l'Henk Zwart Award (http://www.tectask.org/henk-zwart-award/). Il premio è rivolto a scienziati che hanno fornito chiaro contributo eccezionale verso la geologia strutturale. Le candidature devono essere inviate ad e.gomez-rivas@ub.edu.

La deadline è il 30 Aprile 2022. L'eventuale cerimonia di presentazione si terrà in occasione del prossimo DRT a Catania.

Per ulteriori informazioni si rimanda al messaggio sottostante.
Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Dear colleagues,
TecTask, the Tectonics and Structural Geology Commission of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), will grant the 4th Henk Zwart Award at the 23rd DRT meeting (International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics) in Catania (Italy), 5th-7th July 2022. The mission of the Henk Zwart Award is to further promote research in structural geology and tectonics in any of its fields.
The call for nominations is now officially open. Nominees can be any scientifically recognised person who has shown through publication record and other actions to have promoted structural geology and tectonics. A nominated scientist should have made an outstanding contribution in elevating science in structural geology and tectonics, and demonstrated excellence in this field of research, exemplified by the development of new fields and techniques. Nominees may be of any nationality.
There should be one proposer and one seconder, both signing and dating the nomination. Nominations should comprise a citation of no more than 100 words and a cover letter of no more than 1,500 words, clearly and concisely outlining the narratives and scientific merits of the proposed award nominee, plus a list of publications and a brief CV of the candidate.
Nominations should be sent to the TecTask chair (e.gomez-rivas@ub.edu) no later than 30th April 2022.
The choice of the Henk Zwart award recipient will be made by six members of the TecTask Executive Committee (current and previous Chair and Vice-Chair and current Secretary General and Treasurer). This committee also reserves the right not to make an award.
This is a great opportunity to recognise the work of colleagues who have made significant contributions. For more information on the Henk Zwart Award please visit the TecTask website: www.tectask.org/henk-zwart-award/
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Enrique Gomez-Rivas

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