Car* collegh*
su segnalazione del Prof. Tavarnelli si inoltra un messaggio di Rob Butler relativo ad una conferenza online (19-21 Ottobre 2021) che ha come tema la cartografia geologica terrestre e di altri mondi.
Un caro saluto,
La Segreteria GIGS
Upcoming William Smith conference of the Geological Society.
"Geological mapping - of our World and others"
entirely online - over three days (19 - 21 October 2021)
The meeting is an international celebration of the breadth of geological mapping. It explores the historical development of mapping, the principles at its core, and its value in understanding the geological evolution and processes taking place on Earth and beyond. There are talks on subjects as diverse as Himalayan tectonics, Martian landing sites, the structure of the oceanic lithosphere, the use of remote sensing vs hands-on mapping, virtual outcrops in both teaching and research. As well as talks with discussion periods, there are videos on classic maps and mapping.
Registration is open at:
A programme is available on the website.
Avviso seminario Prof. Rob Butler - Geological mapping - of our World and others (19 - 21 October 2021)