Avviso Summer School - 'DEPThS: Field-based summer school on subduction forearc dynamics'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del collega Marco G. Malusà (Università di Milano Bicocca), vi segnaliamo la Summer School per dottorandi "DEPThS: Field-based summer school on subduction forearc dynamics", organizzata nell'ambito del Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche, Geologiche e Ambientali dell'Università di Milano Bicocca, e patrocinata dalla Società Geologica Italiana.

Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
DEPThS: Field-based summer school on subduction forearc dynamics

Dear Colleagues,
Registration for the summer school "DEPThS: Field-based summer school on subduction forearc dynamics" (6-10 September 2021) is now open (https://summerschoolbicocca.com/21-DEPThS.php). The course is aimed primarily at PhD students in the various fields of Earth Sciences and addresses the dynamics of subduction forearcs through a highly multidisciplinary approach, with particular emphasis on exhumation processes and the deep carbon cycle. It includes one day of classroom lectures in Milan and four days of field lessons based on geological observations along key transects across the Western Alps, one of the best-studied fossil subduction zones on Earth. Lectures will integrate petrological, tectonic, and stratigraphic evidence along the analyzed transects with the results of recent geophysical experiments on the deep tectonic structure of the Alps. Geologists, petrologists, and seismologists from University of Milano-Bicocca, ISTerre Grenoble, and University of Torino will interact all together with the students both in the classroom and in the field while hiking and discussing in front of intellectually stimulating outcrops in the breathtaking alpine landscape. The summer school is funded by DISAT-UniMiB within the framework of the Departments of Excellence Project. The registration fee for non-UniMiB students is 100 euros, and includes travel, board, and lodging expenses for the entire duration of the course (see attachments for details).

Application deadline: 10 July 2021. Contact: Marco G. Malusà (marco.malusa@unimib.it)

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