Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
giovedì 4 Marzo, alle ore 17, si terrà il webinar di Alessio Rovere (MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany) dal titolo:
Studying sea level changes in the Last Interglacial: new approaches to old problems
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Studying sea level changes in the Last Interglacial: new approaches to old problems
Alessio Rovere. MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
Marine Isotopic Stage 5e, the peak of the Last Interglacial, is often regarded as a process-analog for a future warmer climate. Regarding coastal processes during MIS 5e, scientists have been struggling with three key questions: i) how high was peak sea level? ii) were there significant sea level oscillations? iii) were there stronger storms?. In this talk, I will describe which new approaches are employed to provide more robust answers to these questions.
Alessio Rovere is a Professor at the University of Bremen, Germany, where he leads the "Sea Level and Coastal Changes" group. Alessio has worked in different areas globally, he is author of several papers on both paleo and current coastal issues, and he is currently leading the European Research Council Starting Grant "WARMCOASTS". He is co-leader of the international working group PALSEA (PAGES-INQUA) and contributing author of the upcoming IPCC AR6.
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