Avviso webinar DiSTAR - Tipping positive change to avoid climate tipping points


Società Geologica Italiana

Il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e del Territorio dell'Università di Napoli Federico II ospita un ciclo di 2 webinar sui cambiamenti climatici. Si parlerà del contributo fondamentale delle Geoscienze per comprendere il
funzionamento del nostro Pianeta, per prevedere il suo futuro ed informare su quali azioni intraprendere per contenere il riscaldamento globale.

Venerdì 27 Novembre, alle ore 15, Tim Lenton (Direttore del Global System Institute dell'Università di Exeter, UK), terrà un seminario dal titolo Tipping positive change to avoid climate tipping points.
Sotto troverete i link per accedere al webinar di Tim Lenton sulla piattaforma Zoom e sul canale youtube del DiSTAR:

Tipping positive change to avoid climate tipping points

Tim Lenton - Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter  (UK)

Tim will summarise recent evidence regarding climate tipping points, which supports declarations that we are in a 'climate emergency'. He will also show his latest results identifying a human climate niche and projecting how it will move in the future. Then he will turn to identifying positive social tipping points that will need to be triggered to have any hope of limiting global warming to well below 2°C. 

Tim Lenton is Director of the Global Systems Institute and Chair in Climate Change and Earth System Science at the University of Exeter. His research focuses on understanding the behaviour of the Earth as a whole system, especially through the development and use of Earth system models. He is particularly interested in how life has reshaped the planet in the past, and what lessons we can draw from this as we proceed to reshape the planet now – as described in his books 'Revolutions that made the Earth' (with Andrew Watson) and 'Earth System Science: A Very Short Introduction'. Tim's work identifying climate tipping points won the Times Higher Education Award for Research Project of the Year 2008. He has also received a Philip Leverhulme Prize 2004, European Geosciences Union Outstanding Young Scientist Award 2006, Geological Society of London William Smith Fund 2008, and Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award 2013.
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