Call for applications: ECORD Facility Board 2021 - 2023 (DEADLINE 1° Settembre)


Società Geologica Italiana

ECORD ha aperto le selezioni per un nuovo componente dell'ECORD Facility Board (EFB), la commissione dedicata alla pianificazione di spedizioni Mission Specific, nel triennio 2021-2023. E' richiesta ai candidati comprovata esperienza sui temi "Ocean and Climate" dell'attuale Science Plan.
Le candidature dovranno essere presentate via email all'ESSAC Office ( entro il 1° Settembre 2020 secondo i dettagli riportati di seguito. 
Gli applicanti dovranno inoltre notificare le loro application a iodp-italia (
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to serve on the ECORD Facility Board of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), from 2021-2023

The European Consortium of Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) is now accepting applications from active, leading international scientists to serve as Science Board Members on the ECORD Facility Board, the key forum for planning IODP mission-specific platform (MSP) expeditions, operated by ECORD.
Within IODP, each platform provider uses a Facility Board to make and inform decisions on the effective use of its drilling facility in fulfilling the objectives of the IODP Science Plan.
The primary tasks of the ECORD Facility Board are to:
• recommend MSP expedition schedules, based on ready-to-drill, high-priority science proposals, optimal geographic distribution and costs
• assess the Annual ECORD Plan, including operations schedule, data management, publications, core curation, and scientific technical development
• advise on long-term planning of MSP expeditions
• participate in ECORD reviews of completed MSP expeditions
• liaise with all major entities of IODP
The ECORD Facility Board consists of a Science Board (six international scientists: 3 ECORD, 1 US, 1 Japan, 1 associated IODP member country) and the Executive Bureau (ECORD Executive Council Members, the ECORD Management Agency Director and the Chairs of ESO, ESSAC and ECORD-ILP), together with representatives of IODP entities and funding agencies (see
Here we are seeking a new Science Board member from an ECORD country with scientific expertise related to the "Ocean and Climate" theme of the IODP Science Plan 2013-2023 (see
The ECORD Facility Board meets once a year, usually in early spring. The new members are expected to serve for three years, starting 1 January 2021. Travel costs for related activities are fully covered by the relevant IODP national funding organizations.
Application Process: Interested scientists should send the following documents as PDFs to the ESSAC Office: (1) a letter of interest, including your area of expertise, research interests and previous involvement in DSDP/ODP/IODP (if applicable), (2) a CV and (3) a list of publications. To avoid conflicts of interest, applicants should not be proponents on active MSP proposals that are in the review stage or have yet to be recommended for scheduling.

Please e-mail applications to by 1 September 2020.

For further information or questions, please contact:
Gilbert Camoin
Director, ECORD Managing Agency
Tel: +33 442 97 15 14
Antony Morris
Tel: +44 1752584766
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ECORD - European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling