La call di ECORD per partecipare alla spedizione IODP 377 Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP) è stata sospesa e le application già pervenute non saranno prese in considerazione. Nel caso gli organismi preposti dovessero ritenere possibile implementare la spedizione in futuro, sarà emessa una nuova call.
La decisione è stata definita in sede di ECORD Council in seguito a quanto riportato dall'ECORD Science Operator in relazione al quadro di condizioni di mercato inattese che non consentono di implementare la spedizione 377 nel 2021. L'ECORD Facility Board si riunirà a fine mese per valutare l'eventuale futura fattibilità della spedizione.
Di seguito il messaggio completo di David McInroy (Science Manager - ECORD Science Operator) "IODP X377: ArcOP – IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT
To Members of the IODP Community,
IODP Expedition 377: Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography will not be implemented in 2021
The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) regrettably announces that IODP Expedition 377: Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography will not be implemented in August to October 2021.
In spring 2020, the ECORD Science Operator (ESO) opened a call to the commercial market to provide platform, drilling and ice management services for this expedition. The commercial bids received were evaluated at the end of May 2020.
Unfortunately, it has been concluded that the procurement has failed to achieve its objectives. The primary and overriding reason for this is the combination of facilities and services required cannot be fulfilled within the expedition's available budget.
At its recent spring meeting on 10-11 June 2020, ECORD Council confirmed the removal of Expedition 377 from the 2021 mission-specific platform expedition schedule. Later in June, the ECORD Facility Board will consider options for future MSP expeditions for 2021-2023.
I wish to thank the Co-chief Scientists, their co-proponents, and ECORD/ESO colleagues for their hard work and dedication in attempting to implement this complex and costly multi-platform expedition.
I also wish to thank members of the community who have shown an interest in participating in this expedition, and for taking the time to prepare applications. The Call for Scientists will now be stopped, and announcements on the future of Expedition 377 will be made via IODP-related channels in due course. Current applications will be deleted, and a fresh Call for Scientist issued if and when appropriate.
David McInroy
Science Manager
ECORD Science Operator