Cities on volcanoes - Call for abstract Session S2.7 'Multidisciplinary approaches to caldera deformation studies'


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari colleghi,
vi invitiamo a sottomettere un abstracr alla sessione "Multidisciplinary approaches to caldera deformation studies" (Session S2.7) nell'ambito del Congresso Cities on Volcanoes 11, che si terrà a Heraklion, Creta, nei giorni 23-27 maggio 2020 (
Conveners: Luigi Ferranti, Jamie Farrell, Nobuo Geshi, Agust Gudmundsson, Emilie Hooft, Alessandro Tibaldi
Abstract deadline: 25 gennaio 2020.
COV 11, Session S2.7
Multidisciplinary approaches to caldera deformation studies
Convenors: Luigi Ferranti (CRUST - Università Federico II, Italy), Jamie Farrell (University of Utah, USA), Nobuo Geshi (Geological Survey of Japan), Agust Gudmundsson (Royal Holloway University of London, UK), Emilie Hooft (University of Oregon, USA), Alessandro Tibaldi (CRUST - University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Calderas are complex volcanotectonic systems with possible long dormant periods. Active and recent calderas can pose a very high threat to large populations and infrastructures. Caldera structures span up to tens of kilometres and their origin is linked to a combination of processes most relevantly magma dynamics, gravity and regional tectonics. Frequently, their deformation history shows inversion of movements from downthrowing to upwarping and viceversa. The comprehension of caldera evolution benefits from studies at active systems as well as at ancient eroded structures. Studies from different disciplines are welcome to emphasize how different approaches, possibly in synergy, improve knowledge. Among possible approaches, but not limited to, there are field and offshore geological-structural and morpho-stratigraphic studies, geophysical exploration methods, geodesy, interferometry, seismology, numerical modelling, and analogue experiments that lead to an interdisciplinary approach for better understanding caldera dynamics.
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