Cari colleghi,
vi invitiamo a presentare i vostri contributi alla sessione S13 - "The summer 2019 Stromboli paroxysms: a precious opportunity to expand the knowledge on the volcano", nell'ambito della prossima conferenza Rittmann che si terrà a Catania dal 12 al 14 febbraio 2020.
Vi preghiamo di diffondere l'invito anche ad altri colleghi.
La deadline per sottomettere i vostri contributi è il 30 Novembre 2019.
Trovate le istruzioni per la sottomissione al seguente link:
Sessione S13 - "The summer 2019 Stromboli paroxysms: a precious opportunity to expand the knowledge on the volcano"
The July 3rd and August 28th 2019 paroxysms of Stromboli volcano are among the best monitored eruptions of the last decades, thanks to a capillary monitoring system covering numerous aspects of pre-eruptive and eruptive phenomena with visual, geophysical and geochemical parameters. The eruptions produced a few km-high eruption columns, huge tephra fallout and pyroclastic currents triggering extensive fires, and moderate tsunami wave.
In this session, we ask for contributions that cover the different aspects of the recent paroxysmal activity at Stromboli, i.e., eruption chronology and description, analysis of the tephra deposits, petrological studies, data analysis of geophysical and geochemical monitoring networks, tsunami dynamics, and flank instability.
Volcanological/petrological analysis, combined with the dense monitoring data, is offering a unique opportunity to expand our knowledge on explosive paroxysms, and is providing an unprecedented chance to test our capability to predict paroxysmal events. The goal of the session is to bring together the scientific community for encouraging debate on the eruptive mechanisms that control Stromboli paroxysms and on the identification of new models/monitoring strategies for mitigating the hazard associated to these volcanic phenomena.
Alessandro Aiuppa (UniPa), Daniele Andronico (INGV-OE), Mauro Coltelli (INGV-OE), Giorgio Lacanna (UniFi), Patrizia Landi (INGV-PI), Maurizio Ripepe (UniFi)
Conferenza A. Rittmann 2020 - Call for abstracts Sessione S13 'The summer 2019 Stromboli paroxysms: a precious opportunity to expand the knowledge on the volcano'