Cari Colleghi,
Nell'ambito della conferenza Rittmann 2020 (, che si terrà a Catania dal 12 al 14 febbraio 2020, vi informiamo che è stata attivata la sessione S1 - Geodynamics and tectonics controlling volcanic systems. Vi invitiamo pertanto a partecipare, sottomettendo i vostri contributi entro il 30 Novembre 2019.
I responsabili della sessione
Luciano Scarfì (INGV-OE);
Giovanni Barreca (UniCt);
S1 - Geodynamics and tectonics controlling volcanic systems
Landforms and eruptive behaviour of volcanic systems worldwide are various and often reflect the complexity of a larger scale geological processes which in many cases govern magmas generation and eruptive style. Indeed, crustal deformation and related tectonic structures play a significant role in magma storage and migration, but also they may exert a fundamental control on differentiation processes, shaping the nature and composition of volcanism.
In this session, we welcome studies aimed at improving knowledge of the Earth's structure as well as the tectonic and geodynamic framework of those regions where volcanic systems take place. Contributions leading to better understand the relationship between tectonics and volcano activity, based on joint use of different kinds of geophysical and geological data, are particularly appreciated.
Conferenza A. Rittmann 2020 - Call for abstracts Sessione S1 'Geodynamics and tectonics controlling volcanic systems'