4a Conferenza Rittmann - Call for abstracts sessione S6 'Mechanisms, rates, and timescales of processes leading the triggering and evolution of volcanic eruptions'


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari amici e colleghi,
siamo lieti di segnalarvi la sessione tematica S6 - Mechanisms, rates, and timescales of processes leading the triggering and evolution of volcanic eruptions - della prossima Conferenza A. Rittmann, che si terrà a Catania dal 12 al 14 Febbraio, 2020 (https://www.conferenzarittmann.it).

S6 - Mechanisms, rates, and timescales of processes leading the triggering and evolution of volcanic eruptions

The eruptions are typically the results of complex dynamics, as several chemical and physical mechanisms may act simultaneously at different rates and timescales. These include variations in the dynamics of fluid transfer, magma influx and rejuvenation, volatile exsolution and/or fragmentation during ascent, changes in local and far-field stress, or geometrical evolution of the conduit feeding system. The interplay among such different mechanisms generates complex evolutions in the feeding system of a volcano, and the resulting volcanic activity is often unpredictable. Examples of complex eruptive behaviors characterized by patterns of cyclicity and/or alternating eruptive styles (e.g. explosive vs. effusive) were described at a global scale. However, how the timing of magma chamber and conduit dynamics controls the eruptive behaviors is still far from a satisfactorily understood. For this reason, analyzing and modeling any temporal variations within the magma-chamber-conduit system before and during the volcanic activity is fundamental to understand eruptive dynamics, to evaluate current hazards, and investigate future scenarios. This session welcomes contributions addressing rates and timescales of processes that are related to the development and the evolution of volcanic phenomena. The characterization of triggering mechanisms, cyclic eruptive activities, and eruptive style transitions, investigated by using either single parameter or multi-parametric approaches, are the main aim of the session. The expected contributions may cover a broad range of investigations, including experimental, analytical, numerical, geophysical and field-based studies, as well as interdisciplinary approaches probing mechanisms and timescales of volcanic phenomena.

Vi ricordiamo che la scadenza per la sottomissione dei vostri contributi è fissata al 30 Novembre 2019.

Un cordiale saluto e arrivederci a Catania,

Marisa Giuffrida (UniCt). Silvia Massaro (INGV-BO), Maurizio Petrelli (UniPg), Roberto Sulpizio (UniBa)

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