2020 Geosciences travel awards for young scholars


Società Geologica Italiana

Travel Awards 2020 (500 CHF)

Application deadline: 31 December 2019
The editorial team of Geosciences is inviting applications for 5 Travel Awards for young scholars in the area of geoscience, future earth, and planetary science to attend a conference in 2020. The nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee comprising senior scholars from the geoscience field and chaired by the Editor-in-Chief of Geosciences, Prof. Dr. Jesús Martinez-Frias.
This year, we are setting up 5 awards for young scholars in different subdisciplines of geoscience: Natural Hazards, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry & Biogeosciences and general subjects. These subdisciplines are also Sections of Geosciences; for more information, please visit https://www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences/sections.
Candidate Requirements:
— Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers or PhD students involved in geoscience and related areas;
— Applicants will attend an international conference (related to geoscience, future earth and planetary science) in 2020 to present their research (oral presentation or poster);
— Applicants need to indicate which subdiscipline to apply;
— Each applicant is allowed to apply for only one subdiscipline;
— Applicants must submit the following documents:
  1. An abstract of their work;
  2. A short CV with selected publications;
  3. A short justification letter;
  4. A letter of support from their supervisor.
The awards will consist of 500 Swiss Francs each.
Please send the applications here (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences/awards) or to the Geosciences Editorial Office (geosciences@mdpi.com) by 31 December 2019. The winners will be announced on the Geosciences website by 29 February 2020.
Prof. Dr. Jesús Martinez-Frias
Editor-in-Chief, Geosciences
Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO (CSIC-UCM), C/ Del Doctor Severo Ochoa 7, Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original papers, rapid communications, technical notes, and review articles discussing all different interdisciplinary aspects of the Earth and Planetary Sciences.
*Please note: All conferences in 2020 would be fine for the application. There is a total of 5 awards, which are 5 subjects of  Geoscience (Natural Hazards, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry & Biogeosciences and general subjects). For detailed information, please visit: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences/awards/746
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