Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P18 'Planetary evolution: new insights from remote sensing, in-situ, terrestrial analogues and meteorite studies'


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari colleghi,
stiamo organizzando la sessione P18: "Planetary evolution: new insights from remote sensing, in-situ, terrestrial analogues and meteorite studies" per il prossimo congresso nazionale "Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo dell'uomo: Le geoscienze fra passato e futuro" organizzato da SIMP-SGI-SOGEI a Parma dal 16 al 19 Settembre. La sessione mette insieme le diverse attività di interesse per la comunità planetaria,

La scadenza per la sottomissione dei contributi è fissata per il 20 Maggio 2019 ore 19.

Conveners: Maria Sgavetti (UNIPR), Mara Murri (UNIPV), Valentina Galluzzi (IAPS-INAF), Riccardo Pozzobon (UNIPD), Cristian Carli (IAPS-INAF)

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Al seguente link potete trovare tutte le indicazioni per la stesura e la sottomissione dell'abstract

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Se conoscete colleghi che possono essere interessati alla seguente sessione sentitevi liberi di inoltrare questo messaggio.

Speriamo di vedervi tutti a Parma.

Distinti saluti,

Mara, Valentina, Maria, Riccardo e Cristian

Planetary geology is an interdisciplinary field that covers various aspects of the geological sciences with the aim to reconstruct the overall history and evolution of a planet. Nowadays, planetary missions are involved in the investigation of several extraterrestrial bodies and in the development of sample return and human missions with an increasing participation of the Italian Space Agency. The geological community is actively playing a fundamental role in the interpretation of the evolution of different Solar System Bodies. This session is aimed to bring together scientists from different backgrounds to enhance the discussion on common interests and to have the opportunity to establish synergetic collaborations among various disciplines. Contributes that cover studies from remote sensing to in-situ rover and lander data, as well as laboratory activities aimed to study extraterrestrial material, are encouraged. Moreover, we also solicit papers on terrestrial site studies as analogues to planetary environments both for scientific and technical purposes including analyses on analogue materials which can shed light on the history and evolution of extraterrestrial bodies.

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