Goldschmidt session announcement: Theme 06 Magmas and volcanoes, Session 06j: Do Magmatic Systems Play by our Rules? Translating from an Equilibrium Rulebook into a Kinetic Playbook


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to contribute to our session 06j "Do Magmatic Systems Play by our Rules? Translating from an Equilibrium Rulebook into a Kinetic Playbook" at the Goldschmidt Conference 2019 (Barcelona, Spain 18-23 August)
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Conveners: Francesco VeterePier Paolo GiacomoniMatt PankhurstTom SheaMegan NewcombeJohn Maclennan

Experimental petrology provides the rulebook for a view of magmatic processes that is predicated upon equilibrium. Thermodynamic equilibrium allows compositional variations of erupted products to be tied to intensive parameters in the sub-volcanic system, forming the link between petrological and geophysical interrogation of volcanic systems. It is becoming clear, however, that nature does not necessarily play by these rules. Instead, it is the driving forces toward equilibrium that underpin volcanic phenomena, and partly establish the textural, petrological, and geochemical record we rely on to reconstruct subsurface magmatic histories. Dynamics and kinetics in magmatic processes leave their imprint in the form of disequilibrium textures and chemical zonation in minerals and glass in volcanic rocks. These petrological indicators provide us with time capsules for magmatic processes, and have been the subject of substantial model development over the last decade. The aim of this session is to explore the integration of equilibrium-based and kinetic approaches, for example, thermobarometry and diffusion timescales. We welcome contributions from observational, theoretical and experimental research that extends the state of the art in the understanding of nature's playbook of magmatic processes. This includes cross-disciplinary efforts to combine geochemical and geophysical records of magma generation, storage, mobilization and eruption.

We are also pleased to announce this year's keynote speaker:

Prof. Julia Hammer (University of Hawaii)  

Information about abstract submission can be found at

Deadline is March 29, 2019.
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