Call for abstract Strati 2019 - Session: ST1.1 History of Stratigraphy in Italian environments (17th – 20th centuries)


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear colleagues,
we encourage you to submit a paper for the 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy (STRATI 2019), that will be held in Milan on 2-5 July 2019.

We would like to draw your attention to our session: ST1.1 "History of Stratigraphy in Italian environments (17th – 20th centuries)", convener: Ezio Vaccari (, co-conveners: Andrea Candela, Marco Pantaloni, Luigina Vezzoli.

The session is sponsored by the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO), established by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and affiliated with the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Sciences (IUHPS).

The great variety of lithological and structural features (particularly in mountain areas), volcanoes and subvolcanic phenomena, made the Italian peninsula a sort of 'paradise' for geological fieldwork and attracted many travelling geologists since the early 17th century. The description of the Earth's strata became an important issue of the naturalistic research after the work by N. Stensen. From the end of the 17th century until the end of the 18th century the lithostratigraphical research developed in Italy within the studies and fieldwork of remarkable scientists, such as A. Vallisneri, L.F. Marsili, G. Arduino, L. Spallanzani and others.

The emergence of stratigraphy as significant part of the new science of geology was also supported by the work of Italian scientists and geological institutions from the 19th to the 20th century. Although several studies have investigated the development of Earth Sciences in Italy, the history of stratigraphy is still lacking systematic research. The session aims to consider some key issues of this relationship between the history of stratigraphy and the Italian environments.

Abstract submission deadline: 10 March 2019

The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal. The conveners will submit a proposal to "Earth Sciences History".

For more information and abstract submission:

Ezio Vaccari, Andrea Candela, Marco Pantaloni, Luigina Vezzoli
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