Dear Colleagues,
following the idea launched in Catania at the Congress of the Italian Geological Society to promote the publication of a Special Volume of Geological Field Trips & Maps (GFT&M), we invite you to submit a map with accompanying notes based on contributions presented at the meeting or on your recent activities.
According to the scopes of the Journal, the Volume will be titled: "Geological and geothematic mapping in Italy: looking to the future"; it will collect original geological and thematic maps with short notes concerning any possible subject related to the Earth Sciences with special emphasis to innovative techniques and applications (lidar, remote sensing, drone surveys, etc.).
Contributions are open to the winners of the two categories (undergraduate students, PhD students) of the 1st edition of the Best Geological Map Award - "Emilio Cortese".
In addition, the Journal encourages the submission of contributions dealing with applied cartography, devoted to hazard and risk assessment.
Please let us know immediately if you are interested by sending us a tentative authorship and title.
For your information, GFT&M is a Golden Open Source journal that now publishes two issues per year, every six months, but that will move on a four-monthly publication soon. Articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This licence permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source is given.
GFT&M is an on-line journal only published in a digital format; no publication fees will be charged to the authors.
Please read the Author Guidelines and Guidelines for Maps and Explanatory notes
We hope you will join this initiative. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for further information, if needed.
We ask you to send us an expression of interest and a general title by November 15th, 2018 to
Manuscripts and maps should be submitted by January 15th, 2019.
The Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors
Rome, 19-10-2018
Special Volume of Geological Field Trips & Maps (GFT&M)