Please consider the following two positions at the Dipartimento di Geoscienze (Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy) at:
The two positions are granted by the European Research Council Consolidator Grant No. 614705 NOFEAR: New Outlook on seismic faults: from EARthquake nucleation to arrest (Principal Investigator, Giulio Di Toro).
Description of the requested research activities for these two positions:
Field and experimental studies will be performed on seismogenic faults to quantify (1) the geometrical complexity of natural faults, (2) the roughness of individual fault surfaces, (3) the distribution of fault zone rocks and, (4) their physical properties (elastic, transport, etc. by means of experimental studies).
High-resolution structural geology survey techniques will be used in outcrops exposed in the Italian Central Apennines and Chilean Andes (Atacama Fault System). The studied faults will be representative of different seismogenic depths (from 2 to 15 km depth), tectonic regimes (extensional, strike-slip, etc.) and host rocks (carbonate- and silicate-built). Remote sensing imagery techniques, including the utilization of drones, will be used in the surveys. Photogrammetric processing of these data plus geostatistical procedures will allow us to generate detailed 3D descriptions of fault roughness and fault networks.
The above field-based research activities are part of the NOFEAR project which includes:
1) experiments to investigate earthquake nucleation by reproducing crustal (pressure, temperature, presence of fluids, stress perturbations, etc.) deformation conditions;
2) field studies of exhumed seismogenic sources to quantify the geometrical complexity of natural fault zones;
3) numerical simulations of seismic ruptures that will integrate the above information and allow up-scaling to natural faults.
You will interact with other Post-docs, Ph.D. and M.Sci. with different background working on this topic in the same project.
You will find a full description of the research activities and of the application procedure in both Italian and English for the two positions:
The two positions are named:
Primo Bando Assegno-"Una nuova visione delle faglie sismogenetiche:dalla nascita all'arresto di un terremoto"-NOFEAR-Prof. Di Toro-Selection research grants(A)-"New Outlook on seismic faults: frofrom EARthquake nucleation to arrest"-NOFEAR-Prof. Di Toro
Secondo Bando Assegno-"Una nuova visione delle faglie sismogenetiche:dalla nascita all'arresto di un terremoto"-NOFEAR-Prof. Di Toro-Selection research grants(A)-"New Outlook on seismic faults: frofrom EARthquake nucleation to arrest"-NOFEAR-Prof. Di Toro
The Primo Bando is meant mainly for post-docs with less than two years of certificated post-doc experience (salary 21.304 Euro per year before taxes).
The Secondo Bando is meant for post-docs with more than two years of certificated post-doc experience (salary before taxes 25.770 Euro per year before taxes).
Both positions will start on 1.12.2018 and will end on 31.12.2019. It is not possible to change these dates.
Very important:
All requested documents of your application must be sent at
Head of the Department of Geosciences
Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Via G. Gradenigo 6,
Padova – 35131 – ITALY
The requested documentation must arrive at the above address by 4.10.2018.
For these two particular post-doc positions, as you can understand, we look for motivated researchers with strong field geology survey experience. For further info, please write at
Two post-doc positions at the Dipartimento di Geoscienze - Università degli Studi di Padova