70 Geological Wonders of Slovenia


Società Geologica Italiana

This tourist guide is the first modern-type geological guidebook for Slovenia, which can be used simultaneously as an addition to standard tourist guides, for geo-tourism.

Digital cartograpy of topographic maps: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Jamova cesta 2, Ljubljana.
Cadastre of hiking trails: Alpine Association of Slovenia, Dvorakova 9, Ljubljana
Graphic design: Simon Mozetič.
Cover design: Petra Petan.
Published by: Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS), Ljubljana, 2016.
Publication was supported by: GeoZS and Slovenian Research Agency.
Printed by: Flaksy d.o.o.
Print-run: 500 copies.

The guidebook 70 Geological Wonders of Slovenia was published by the Geological Survey of Slovenia to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its existence. First 500 print-runs in the Slovenian language were printed in April 2016 while the 500 books in the English language have been made available since the beginning of September 2016. It is edited by Nina Rman and Matev� Novak from the Geological Survey of Slovenia. About 27 authors and several other experienced colleagues from three main Slovenian geological institutions contributed to it, the Geological Survey of Slovenia, the Department of Geology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of the University of Ljubljana and from the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, respectively. Colleagues at UNESCO Geopark Idrija and Geopark Karavanke, and the Institute of the R Slovenia for Nature Conservation also supported its content. Besides, more than 40 collaborators and 15 organisations provided the photographs. The content was reviewed by two professors of geology from the University of Ljubljana, prof. dr. Jo�e Čar and prof. dr. Jernej Pavšič, while two designers made it very attractive.

The book consists of 204 pages, where the 70 outdoor sites are listed according to their position in 12 statistical regions. Additional six appendices highlight the most exquisite features of rare minerals and fossils in Slovenia which remain strictly protected and so the sites are not open to public, or unique samples such as a meteorite are no longer placed at their original location but are stored in geological collections.

The list of 84 geological collections in Slovenia offers the most comprehensive overview of private and public collections in this country at present and is regularly updated on the website accompanying this publication, http://www.geo-zs.si/index.php/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=180.

At the end of the book, you may find 164 professional references in English language which supplement the popular science description of the phenomena.


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