Milano – 8-9 Giugno 2018 - Short course (2 cfu)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze della Terra (PhD, Earth Sciences)
Docente: Jeroen Kenter (Total, Pau, France)
To train participants to the basic understanding and skills for:
- Framing goals for 3D acquisition of outcrop analog object
- Designing footprint 3D photogrammetry acquisition of outcrop analog object including ground control points (GCP)
- Executing 3D photogrammetry acquisition using standard camera or drone
- Processing of photos with or without GCP and generation of mesh with RGB textures at different densities
- Interpretation of resulting 3D objects: e.g., stratal surfaces, faults, measured sections, painting of lithofacies, restoring structure
- Publishing and sharing results
- Principles and goals of photogrammetry
- Acquisition goals, design and process
- Processing principles and results
- Ground control points:acquisition and recommendation
- Examples and pitfalls
- Practical exercises
- Software
- Acquisition software (e.g., PIX4D, DJI GO2)
- Processing software AgisoftPhotoscan
- Inspection Software (e.g., CloudCompare, Mesh)
- Interpretation software VRGS (UniManchester)