75th Hydrometric Multibeam Course


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari indagatori di fondali marini,

stiamo organizzando il 75th Hydrometrica Multibeam Course, qui nella sede CNR di  Bologna, dal 21 al 26 maggio 2018.
Il corso si articola in 6 giorni di lezioni finalizzate a fornire conoscenze teoriche e pratiche sulle tecnologie di survey con strumenti multifascio e fornisce conoscenze su:

• tecnologia e problemi associati ai survey con multibeam di acque basse,
• tecniche di elaborazione e visualizzazione mirate ad affrontare la complessità della mappatura con multibeam,
• limiti nell'uso di questo tipo di batimetria per produrre dati di alta qualità.

Gli insegnanti del corso saranno John Hughes Clarke, Larry Mayer, Dave Wells, Tom Weber.

Potete trovare tutte le informazioni sul corso, con i dettagli su insegnanti, iscrizione, preparazione al corso, al sito:



Per ulteriori informazioni potete contattare Lindsay Gee (mbcinfo@hydrometrica.com) o Alessandra Mercorella (alessandra.mercorella@bo.ismar.cnr.it).
Dear Seafloor mappers,
we would like to raise your attention to the 75th Hydrometrica Multibeam Course, that will be hosted in Bologna (May 21-26, 2018).
This email is for all those interested in mapping the oceans and spending a week diving into the details of mapping with multibeam sonar. The comprehensive six-day course is designed to provide a theoretical and practical ackground in multibeam survey technology and techniques for hydrographic surveys, continental shelf boundary delimitation, offshore engineering, harbor dredging, fisheries habitat, route survey and scientific research, and provides overviews of:
- the technology and problems associated with multibeam surveys,
- quality control, processing and visualization techniques designed to
address the complexities of swath mapping,
- constraints on using swath bathymetry to produce the highest quality data.
The course draws from a number of graduate courses that the lecturers deliver at CCOM, USM and OMG,  and allows those attendees that do not have the availability or option to attend a longer graduate  program to have access to this high level training in a single week.
The course information flyer, with details about the instructors, the schedule and course preparation, and registration form is available at:
General information about the course is at the following link:
For further information please contact Lindsay Gee at mbcinfo@hydrometrica.com,
or Alessandra Mercorella at alessandra.mercorella@bo.ismar.cnr.it regarding the course in Bologna.


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