This book collects the abstracts submitted to the 2nd edition of the Petroleum Geology Student Contest, which has been held the October 4th and 5th 2017, in the beautiful town of Calvello (Potenza), in the heart of the woods of the Basilicata Region of southern Italy.
The previous first 2015 edition of the workshop was organized in Matera and after its unexpected positive outcome, as well as the continuous support of the SHELL Italy E&P sponsorship, we were encouraged to schedule the contest for three editions.
The PGSC is an unique event of this type in Italy, aiming at offering the opportunity to young researchers to show the results of their research to an audience of academic and industrial geologists, and discuss and ex-change novel research ideas and breakthroughs.
The original research works included in this book deal with several fields of the Earth Sciences, treating different aspect concerning the Petroleum Geology, such as Geodynamics, Regional Geology, Basin Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy, Applied Sedimentology, Structural Geology, Geophysics, Palaeontology and Geochemistry. These disciplines are used to tackle topics of outcrop analogues, data processing and interpretation, petrophysics and rock physics, reservoir modelling, fluid flow simulation, etc.
In the PGSC of Calvello, 16 abstracts were selected by a Scientific Committee, among those included in the present book. The Committee was composed of colleagues working in a number of Italian and foreigner universities and research centres, who have enthusiastically offered their cooperation to the workshop. The authors of the designated abstracts were thus invited to present their original research at the PGSC which, in this 2nd edition, accounted two separate sessions: one for oral and one for poster presentations, involving PhD and MSc students, respectively. Then, at the end of the conference, a Judging Committee awarded the two best presentations of each session after a final ceremony.
The workshop, open with a keynote lecture presented by Carlos Pirmez, Chief Geologist at Shell Italy E&P, was also in this edition enriched by the presence of researchers, colleagues and students who formed a lively atmosphere and a stimulating setting. We are grateful to the following friends of the Scientific Committee: Mauro Agate (Università di Palermo), Andrea Bistacchi (Università di Milano Bicocca), Domenico Chiarella (Royal Holloway University, London), Sveva Corrado (Università di Roma 3), Nicola De Paola (University of Durham), David Iacopini (University of Aberdeen), Alessandro Incarbona and Attilio Sulli (Università di Palermo), Rosanna Maniscalco and Giovanni Barreca (Università di Catania), Giovanni Mongelli and Giovanna Rizzo (Università della Basilicata), Francesco Muto and Edoardo Perri (Università della Calabria), Mariano Parente and Stefano Tavani (Università di Napoli "Federico II"), Marco Patacci (University of Leeds), Davide Scrocca (IGAG CNR), Emanuele Tondi (Università di Camerino), Marcello Tropeano and Andrea Brogi (Università di Bari) and Enzo Rizzo (CNR IMAA).
Our gratitude also goes to the components of the Judging Committee: Elisabetta Erba (President of the Italian Geological Society – S.G.I.), Pierluigi Vecchia (ENI, Italy E&P), Massimo Mattei (Università di Roma 3), Marco Brandano (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"), Alessandro Amorosi (Università di Bologna), Stefano
Mazzoli (Università di Napoli "Federico II") and Giacomo Prosser (Università della Basilicata).
We are grateful to SHELL Italy E&P, who have enthusiastically believed in the importance that an event like this represents for young researchers who are moving their first steps in the world of the Petroleum Geology.
Finally, we would like to thanks all the students who attended this 2nd edition of the Contest for their fervent participation.
Looking forward to the next edition of the Petroleum Geology Student Contest.
Sergio G. Longhitano & Fabrizio Agosta
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi della Basilicata.
Curatori del volume: Fabrizio Agosta & Sergio Longhitano
DOI: 10.3301/ABSGI.2017.02
Petroleum Geology Student Contest - 2nd edition