Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Manuel Rigo (Università degli Studi di Padova), vi segnaliamo la sessione 07g - Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy in programma al prossimo Goldschmidt 2025, che si terrà a Praga, nei giorni 6-11 luglio 2025.
Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al testo riportato di seguito.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Dear Colleague,
As the abstract deadline (26 Feb) is approaching quickly for the Goldschmidt conference, we are cordially inviting you to submit your work to our session:
07g - Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy
Understanding the intertwined evolution of Earth's chemical and biological systems is crucial for uncovering the forces that have shaped life on our planet. Throughout geological history, biological and geochemical processes have interacted in complex and dynamic ways. This long-term interaction, however, has been marked by significant disruptions, such as mass extinctions and other major episodes of climate and environmental perturbations, that occurred during the Phanerozoic. Chemostratigraphy, including isotope stratigraphy, stands out as a robust method for unraveling the complex processes that have shaped Earth's evolution, global changes, and their interplay with the evolution of life. We invite contributions addressing different time scales and stratigraphic resolutions, from decades to millions of years, which utilize a wide range of geochemical tools to develop a comprehensive understanding of how life, climate and environments have co-evolved during the Phanerozoic.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Ros Rickaby (University of Oxford)
Invited Speaker: Prof. Geoffrey Gilleaudeau (George Mason University)
Thank you very much for your consideration!
Session conveners: Manuel Rigo (University of Padova), Yogaraj Banerjee (Central Michigan University), Tetsuji Onoue (Kyushu University), Xinyuan Zheng (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)