17th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece | Call for abstract Session S04 - Earthquake Geology and new data on active faulting in Europe and Greece


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Riccardo Caputo (Università di Ferrara), siamo lieti di annunciare la Session S04 - Earthquake Geology and new data on active faulting in Europe and Greece, in programma al 17th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece (GSG) che si terrà a Mytilene (Lesvos Island, Greece) dal 28 al 31 maggio 2025 (www.ege2025lesvos.gr)

Di seguito troverete maggiori informazioni in lingua inglese.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria
Session: S04 - Earthquake Geology and new data on active faulting in Europe and Greece
Caputo R. (University of Ferrara), Koukouvelas I. (University of Patras), Ganas A. (NOA), Papanikolaou I. (Agricultural University of Athens)

Geological data and techniques represent a crucial perspective for investigating past earthquakes. Indeed, all moderate to strong crustal events produce direct and permanent effects on the earth's surface (i.e. morphogenic earthquakes), and "earthquake geologists" recognize, read, describe, measure, analyze, and interpret all these linear and/or areal features. Geological investigations of past earthquakes can detect, measure, and study such features even several years after they were formed and offer valuable data to active fault databases. Moreover, Earthquake Geology can investigate both single-event effects as well as cumulative ones.
Geological investigations of past events are also of primary importance for seismic hazard assessment, which requires the interplay of different disciplines and expertise. Geological approaches to investigating past earthquakes are fundamental in determining or inferring important parameters for seismic hazard assessment, including the maximum expected magnitude, the return period for a given magnitude, and the mean slip rate. In this session, we welcome contributions describing and critically discussing any geological aspect of earthquakes and seismogenic faults including the design, population, and dissemination of active fault databases in Europe and Greece.
We are interested in works based on all geological approaches, and particularly on research dealing with new and innovative methodological or multidisciplinary approaches. We look forward to a lively and cross-disciplinary program that will bring together a broad range of experts to discuss the crucial contribution of Geological Sciences to the investigation of earthquakes and seismic hazard assessment of crustal faults.

The Call for Papers is open, and we warmly invite you to submit your work
abstract template: https://ege2025lesvos.gr/paper-submission/

The abstract submission deadline is 25 January 2025.
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