Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Prof.ssa Laura Melelli (Università di Perugia), siamo lieti di comunicarvi l'apertura della call for abstracts del congresso Geomorphometry 2025 - 8th Conference on digital terrain modeling and analysis, che si terrà a Perugia dal 9 al 13 giugno 2025.
Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda alla locandina e al testo riportato di seguito.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Geomorphometry 2025: call for abstracts
we would like to share information about Geomorphometry 2025, the 8th conference of the International Society for Geomorphometry, scheduled for June 9-13 in Perugia, Italy. Website:
Topics of the conference are the following:
- High resolution data: LiDAR and photogrammetry
- High resolution data: satellite imagery
- New geomorphometric algorithm
- Automated surface analysis
- Planetary morphometry
- Earth surface changes and dynamics
- Geomorphometry & climate change
- Extreme processes and natural hazards on the Earth surface
- Marine Geomorphometry and bathymetry data
- Geomorphometry for urban areas
- Geodiversity and cultural heritage
- Professional and industrial applications
- The Digital Elevation Model Intercomparison eXperiment – DEMIX meeting
A call for abstract is open, with deadline January 15, 2025:
abstracts are intended as four-pages text, including figures and references, and are expected to describe original research.
We use the EasyChair platform for submissions:
Please find additional details and abstract template at the conference website.
We look forward to having you at Geomorphometry 2025!