RCMNS Interim Colloquium 'Towards a process-based understanding of the Mediterranean Neogene'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione della Prof.ssa Isabella Raffi (Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti - Pescara), siamo lieti di segnalarvi il meeting RCMNS Interim Colloquium "Towards a process-based understanding of the Mediterranean Neogene", che si terrà a Catania dal 29 settembre al 4 ottobre 2025.

Di seguito troverete l'annuncio ufficiale in lingua inglese ed il link per scaricare il modulo della pre-registrazione.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Dear Colleagues,

We are very happy to announce the RCMNS interim colloquium –"Towards a process-based understanding of the Mediterranean Neogene", which will be organized between September 29th - October 4th 2025 in honor of the retirement of Frits Hilgen at the University of Catania by Agata Di Stefano and her colleagues with help of Isabella Raffi (IRSPS-Università Chieti Pescara) and Fabrizio Lirer (Rome, La Sapienza). It will include a three day conference and a two day excursion (lead by Frits Hilgen and Antonio Caruso).

Preliminary details on the scientific meeting are reported in the attached form that anyone interested to attend can compile and send to Isabella Raffi (isabella.raffi@unich.it).

This announcement will be followed by the 1st circular with more details on the meeting.

Wout Krijgsman (University of Utrecht; RCMNS)
Agata di Stefano (University of Catania; RCMNS)
Fabrizio Lirer (University "La Sapienza" of Rome; RCMNS)
Isabella Raffi (IRSPS-Università Chieti Pescara; SNS)

Pre-registration form