IUGS Sites Special Christmas Offer


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Rodolfo Carosi (Università di Torino e Presidente SGI) vi segnaliamo la promozione speciale dell'International Union of Geological Sciences per l'acquisto della versione cartacea delle seguenti pubblicazioni:
  • "The First 100" IUGS Geological Heritage Sites
  • "The Second 100" IUGS Geological Heritage Sites

Di seguito la Promotion Card e il messaggio integrale dell'International Union of Geological Sciences.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Promotion Card

Dear IUGS Geological Heritage Sites participants. Dear colleagues.
We are happy to inform you that the announcement of the "Second 100" during the 37th IGC in Busan has created much interest in our program globally. Since then our website has been visited by more than 20.000 visitors from more than 130 countries and our books have been downloaded widely. Now, we want to take the next step with a special promotion for the coffee table books. These books are really a piece of art and a perfect gift for any geologist. 
Order your book soon and we will send it to your address, and please distribute the attached PROMOTION CARD among your contacts, social media or whatsApp. We want to reach the largest possible number of geologist.  You can use a simple text like the one below:
Thank you very much for your collaboration. We are already thinking on the Third 100 for 2026. 
See you soon.
Asier Hilario. Chair - IUGS International Commission on Geoheritage
Gonzalo Lozano. IUGS Geological Heritage Sites secretariat
" The IUGS is leading a global endeavor to create a unique compilation of the most remarkable geological sites in the world. More than 1.000 experts from 17 international organization have participated. 
 The spectacular books of "The First 100" and "The Second 100" are now available with an special offer!  They are the world´s best demonstrations of geological features and proceses. They are the sites of fabulous discoveries of the Earth and its history. They are the essential sites that serve to develop the science of Geology. 
Do not loose this opportunity and order your books at: https://iugs-geoheritage.org/shop/
More information at: www.iugs-geoheritage.org