Disponibili 5 posizioni post-doc a Tenerife


Società Geologica Italiana

Gentili colleghi,
vi segnaliamo il bando per 5 posizioni post-doc a Tenerife: 1 in Sismologia, 2 in Magnetotellurica e 2 in Geochimica isotopica.

Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias

Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN) seeks a Post-Doctoral position in Volcano Seismology. The appointment will be for a 2 years period. The successful candidates will conduct research activities related to the characterization of seismicity and the development of three-dimensional tomographic models in active volcanoes and geothermal areas. The tasks of the successful candidate will include: determination of the structure of volcanic and geothermal areas through ambient noise tomography, local earthquake tomography and receiver function analysis; characterization of spatial and temporal features of the microseismicity in volcanic and geothermal areas.
These tasks are intended to contribute to the INVOLCAN Volcano-Geothermal Research Program. Related investigations are designed to foster partnerships with international scientists, with sensitivity to the publication and policy needs of colleagues and co-authors in other countries. Qualifications include experience in volcano seismology, authorship of scientific publications, and contributions that have advanced this field. Completion of a Ph.D. and EU citizenship are requirements for these Post-Doc positions.
The candidate must have documented experience in: processing of seismic data in volcanic/geothermal areas, skills in geophysical inverse problems and expertize in Python programming language.
Desirable skills are also: knowledge of ambient noise processing tools, knowledge of surface wave tomography, knowledge of seismic receiver functions processing, mastering of software for absolute and relative earthquake location (i.e. NLLoc and HypoDD), knowledge of a software for seismic wave modeling (e.g. Specfem3D, Salvus, etc.), mastering of ObsPy. Work experience in foreign countries, participation to international research projects and foreign language skills are also desirable. Documented experience of teamwork and/or participation into integrated multidisciplinary projects represents a
plus in the selection process.
The position is based at Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN; however, routine travel to deploy geophysical instrumentation, to conduct field surveys and to collaborate with colleagues is expected. Post-Doc annual salary is either 30.000 € or 35.310 € depending on qualifications. If you are interested and have additional questions about this Post-Doc position, please contact Luca D'Auria PhD (ldauria@iter.es), Director of Volcanic Surveillance Area of INVOLCAN. Applicants should supply (a) a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, (b) a motivation letter including a statement of past achievement and future research interests and goals (maximum 2 pages) and (c) e-mail address of three references to: nperez@iter.es

To receive full consideration, all materials must be received by 20 May 2017.

Intended starting date is 1 July 2017

Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN) seeks two Post-Doctoral positions for crustal resistivity studies using magnetotellurics. The appointment will be for 2 years period. The successful candidates will conduct research activities related to the development of three-dimensional electrical resistivity models, consult with and train foreign counterparts, deploy geophysical instrumentation, and conduct research on geothermal exploration and volcanology. Documented experience of teamwork and/or participation into integrated multidisciplinary projects represents a plus in the selection process.

The tasks of the successful candidates will included magnetotelluric data acquisition, time series processing, analysis and decomposition of the data, 3D inversion of the data, as well as its integration with other geophysical, geochemical and geological data available. Related investigations are designed to foster partnerships with international scientists, and with sensitivity to the publication and policy needs of colleagues and co-authors in other countries. We seek individuals willing to contribute to the INVOLCAN Volcano-Geothermal Research Program. Qualifications include experience in magnetotellurics and geothermal exploration, authorship of scientific publications, and contributions that have advanced the field of volcanology and geothermal exploration. Completion of a Ph.D. and EU citizenship are requirements for these Post-Doc positions. Work experience in foreign countries, participation in international research projects and
foreign language skills are also desirable. The position is based at Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN; however, routine travel to collaborate with colleagues is expected. Post-Doc annual salary is either 30.000 € or 35.310 € depending on qualifications . If you are interested and have additional questions about these two Post-Doc positions, please contact Dr. Juan Ledo (jledo@ub.edu), Associate Professor on Physics of the Earth at The University of Barcelona and INVOLCAN's Scientific Collaborator. Applicants should supply (a) a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, (b) a motivation letter including a statement of past achievement and future research interests and goals (maximum 2 pages) and (c) e-mail address of three references to:

To receive full consideration, all materials must be received by 20 May 2017.

Intended starting date is 1 July 2017.

The Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies, ITER, (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) is seeking 2 postdoctoral isotope geochemistry fellows to join our dynamic applied geochemistry research group. The appointment will be for 2 years period. The successful candidates will conduct isotope geochemistry research activities related to volcano monitoring, ground water resources in volcanic terrains, geothermal exploration,food authenticity and traceability, geochronology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology as well as consult with and train foreign counterparts. Documented experience of teamwork and/or participation into integrated multidisciplinary projects represents a plus in the selection process.

Qualified candidates must have EU citizenship, a recent PhD (within the last five years) in the Earth/Ocean/Environmental Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, or a related field and should have a strong background in isotope geochemistry and mass spectrometric techniques, together with a solid publication record. The candidates will be expected to play a full role in the timely write-up and publication of the results, including participation in national and international conferences. Postdoctoral fellows will be expected to work closely with ITER (Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies)/INVOLCAN (Canary Islands Volcanological Institute) research staff and provide
mentorship to undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. trainees.

Our Geochemistry Lab mantains a complete set of mass spectrometric instruments to perform a wide variety analysis such as (i) IRMS Thermo Finnigan MAT 253 coupled with Thermo TRACE GC ULTRA, Thermo FLASH 2000 EA and Thermo GASBENCH II for H, O, C and N isotopic ratios, (ii) Thermo Scientific HELIX SFT NGMS for noble gas isotopic ratios, (iii) Thermo Fisher iCAP Q ICP-MS for elemental and isotopic ratios, and (iv) a new Thermo Scientific Triton Plus multicollector TIMS for isotopic ratios, which will be installed by the end of this year. In addition to this set of instrumentations our Geochem Lab includes additional tools such as IC, GC, microGC, ICP-AES, QMS and GC-MSMS for
a variety of inorganic and organic chemical analysis. We are seeking one postdoctoral position to focus mainly in the use of IRMS and NMGS while the other one will focus mainly in the use of TIMS and ICP-MS.

Work experience in foreign countries, participation in international research projects and foreign language skills are also desirable. The position is based at the Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies (ITER) Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN; however, routine travel to collaborate with colleagues is expected. Post-Doc annual salary is either 30.000 ? or 35.310 ? depending on qualifications . If you are interested and have additional questions about these two Post-Doc positions, please contact Dr. Eleazar Padrón (eleazar@iter.es). Applicants should supply (a) a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, (b) a motivation letter including a statement of past achievement and future research interests and goals (maximum 2 pages) and (c) e-mail address of three references to: nperez@iter.es

To receive full consideration, all materials must be received by 20 May 2017.

Intended starting date is 1 July 2017.

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