Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Francesco Brardinoni (Università di Bologna), vi segnaliamo il bando per per un assegno di ricerca annuale, rinnovabile per ulteriori 8 mesi, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali dell'Università di Bologna.
Scadenza: 28 Luglio 2024
Link al bando:
Titolo: Disponibilità di sedimento in alveo, eventi di frana e le dinamiche di risposta geomorfologica dei sistemi fluviali perturbati in Romagna
Title: Alluvial sediment storage, landslide supply, and the geomorphic response of perturbed fluvial systems in Romagna, Northern Apennines.
Duration: 12 months (renewable for 8 months)
Start date: as early as 01 Sept 2024 (possibly no later than Nov 1st)
Study sites: Sillaro and Marecchia Rivers in claystones (wandering reaches alternating with single-thread canyons) and Santerno-Senio Rivers in marl-sandstones (single-thread entrenched meandering). All characterized by a post WW2 history of anthropogenic disturbance. All affected a year ago by two consecutive severe storms (never recorded before in the area).
Desired skills (one or more among the following)
Independence and passion (not quite skills, but fundamental)
GIS-based mapping (--> for mapping planimetric channel changes following two consecutive severe storms occurred in May 2023; will serve as footprints for GCD analysis)
GCD analysis of airborne LiDAR and/or UAV SfM data (--> for evaluating sediment budgets of entire alluvial corridors associated with the May 2023 storms)
GSD characterization of landslide toes and channel reaches (--> ideally integrating manual sieving of field samples, outdoor pebble counts, and pebble counts based on photo sieving of close-range photos)
we are not starting from scratch, please see existing work on the Marecchia (Llena et al 2024) and the Sillaro (Pittau et al 2024).
Available data to work on include:
(1) Recent pre- and post-2023 storm LiDAR DTMs in Marecchia and Sillaro main stems.
(2) Four consecutive years (2000-2023) of UAV surveys conducted in three selected reaches of the Marecchia (upstream, within and downstream of the canyon) including pre and post storm conditions.
(3) historical landslide inventory for the Sillaro River basin (Pittau et al), including unpublished information on sediment delivery to streams, potentially to be updated with the scars triggered by the 2023 storms.
(4) geophysical data on alluvium thickness, which we are currently acquiring along the Sillaro and the Marecchia.
(5) multitemporal LiDAR surveys in Santerno and Senio rivers.
(6) historical mapping of the active channel (post-1955).
(7) three recently installed monitoring stations along the Sillaro River (water level and temperature logging, precip, geophone, PIT tags)
Collaboration with landslide experts from UniBo and the National Council of Research in Perugia.
Specific objectives: to be agreed together based on the applicant's main skills.
Requirement: Master of Science degree, although a PhD will given preference.
Possibility to work remotely for the first few months (eg, until the visa is issued). The main requirement would be to ensure presence for fieldwork activities and sieving. Field sites are easily accessible all year round (seasonal flexibility for conducting fieldwork)
No teaching or technical reporting involved.
Good food ...
Net salary is about €1650 per month. One-bedroom apt will cost you €500 to €600, depending on whereabouts Bologna.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Assegno di ricerca - Università di Bologna