Agora Paleobotanica 2017


Società Geologica Italiana

The annual meeting of Agora Paleobotanica, which will take place July 10 -12 in Montpellier. The registration form and the abstract template must be sent before May 15 at

All topics related to palaeobotany and palynology are welcome.

Programme provisoire / Provisionary program

Lundi 10 juillet / Monday July 10

Université de Montpellier
Accueil / Welcome
Communications orales & affichées/ Talks and posters
Assemblée générale / General assembly

Mardi 11 juillet / Tuesday July 11

Université de Montpellier
Communications orales & affichées/ Talks and posters

Diner de gala & remise du prix Boureau/ Banquet & Boureau award announcement

Mercredi 12 juillet / Wednesday July 12.

Excursion dans le bassin permien de Lodève / Fieldtrip in the Permian basin of Lodève

Second circular

Registration form

Abstract template

You can find more information (instructions for talks and posters, language-s, etc) on the Agora website at this address:

Contacts or


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