Carissimi Soci,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Mauro Soldati (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), vi inoltriamo il seguente messaggio in merito alla call for abstract relativa alla sessione "Landslides and climate changes" organizzata nell'ambito del 37th International Geological Congress (Busan, Corea del Sud, 25-31 Agosto 2024).
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Care Colleghe,
Cari Colleghi,
Vi invito a considerare la possibilità di sottomettere un abstract alla sessione "Landslides and climate changes" che si terrà sotto gli auspici dell'International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) nell'ambito del 37th International Geological Congress (Busan, Corea del Sud, 25-31 Agosto 2024).
Segue una descrizione della sessione.
Grazie per l'attenzione e un cordiale saluto,
Mauro Soldati
Theme T10 – Geomorphology
Session 2 – Landslides and climate changes
Conveners: Sunil Kumar DE (India), Stella MOREIRAS (Argentina), Mauro SOLDATI (Italy), Vittoria VANDELLI (Italy)
Landslides are multi-dimensional, nonlinear and dynamic natural systems showing complex behaviour with space and time. The initiation of a landslide and each phase of its activity, surge or acceleration, are the near-immediate response to an external trigger that increases the stress in the slope or reduces the strength of the slope material. Temporal changes in rainfall and temperature influence moisture balance, which directly impacts the hydrological regime of a slope, causing mass movements and slope failures. Climate changes occurred during the Late glacial and the Holocene clearly determined periods of enhanced slope instability. Lately, the frequency and magnitude of precipitation events have increased, often resulting in fatal landslides. Global warming is also causing permafrost melting at high latitudes and elevations posing serious threats. In the context of the ongoing climate change, the use of remote sensing techniques plays a key role in early detection of slope instability and in the implementation of warning systems. Moreover, the improvements of dating techniques and the increasing availability of high resolution remotely sensed data open up new possibilities for comparative analysis of past and present slope conditions which helps to take better measures to prevent landslides. The current session invites contributions on the impacts of both long-term and short-term changes on slope stability, and the ways and means of preventing related hazards.
Deadline for abstract submission: 16 February 2024
To submit your abstract (200-500 words) please visit:
37th IGC - Call for Abstract sessione 'Landslides and climate changes'