Isotope (carbon and strontium) stratigraphy of shallow-water carbonates: principles, methods and case histories


Società Geologica Italiana

30 November - 2 December 2016
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse

Università di Napoli Federico II

Prof. Mariano Parente
12 lecture hours – 3 CFU

The lessons will be held in Room AD2,  via Mezzocannone 8  (IV piano)

1)    wednesday 30 November, 13:30-15:30
2)    wednesday 30 November, 15:30-17:30
3)    thursday 1 December, 10:30-12:30
4)    thursday 1 December, 13:30-15:30
5)    friday 2 December, 10:30-12:30
6)    friday 2 December, 13:30-15:30

Prerequisites: Very basic knowledge of carbonate sedimentology, paleontology, geochemistry.

Short Program of the Course:
Course introduction: why isotope stratigraphy

1. Strontium isotope stratigraphy
-       Principles, methods and applications
-       The problem of sample selection and diagenetic screening (with an excercise of data evaluation)
-       Discussion of case histories: critical evaluation of papers applying  strontium isotope stratigraphy to shallow-water carbonates

2. Carbon isotope stratigraphy
-       Principle, methods and applications
-       Problems and limitations in the application of carbon isotope stratigraphy to shallow-water carbonates (with an excercise of data evaluation)
-       Discussion of case histories: critical evaluation of papers applying  carbon isotope stratigraphy to shallow-water carbonates

Suggested introductory readings:
McArthur, J. M., Howarth, R. J., & Shields, G. A. (2012). Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy. In The Geologic Time Scale (pp. 127–144). Elsevier. Weissert, H., Joachimski, M., & Sarnthein, M. (2008). Chemostratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 42(3), 145–179.



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