37th IGC 2024 Congress - Call for abstract Session 'Fault zones and fluid interactions, key structures for energy transition'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Dott. Luca Smeraglia (CNR), vi inoltriamo il seguente messaggio in merito alla call for abstract relativa alla sessione "Fault zones and fluid interactions, key structures for energy transition​" del 37° IGC.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

We would like to announce the Session 9: "Fault zones and fluid interactions, key structures for energy transition" under the Theme T9 (Structural Geology), 37th IGC2024 Congress https://www.igc2024korea.org/ August 25-31, 2024 Busan, Republic of Korea.

We warmly invite you to submit your contributions to this session. The abstract deadline is February 16, 2024.

Theme T9: Structural Geology

Session 9: Fault zones and fluid interactions, key structures for energy transition

Faults and fault zones are the major pathways for fluid flow in the crust. They can be impermeable barriers or conduits for fluid mobilization, with a strong impact on natural resources mobilization and entrapment. In fact, hydrocarbons, geothermal fluids, and ore mineralizing fluids move along faults, with most mineral deposits being fault controlled. In addition, fault sealing capacity is fundamental for CO2, natural gas, and hydrogen subsurface storage. The origin of fluid circulating along faults together with the timing of fault slip, fluid flow, and fracture filling is key to our further understanding of fault-related fluid circulation in different tectonic settings. New techniques in fault-related mineral characterization, such as in-situ U-Pb dating on calcite and clumped isotopes are enhancing our ability to place fluid flow in its spatio-temporal tectonic context and to understand how faults influence crustal fluid flow. This session aims to provide a forum for summarizing our knowledge of fault-fluid interaction, of fluid sources and pathways in the crust and of the extent to which faults influence hydrocarbon and geothermal fluid movements, ore deposits accumulation, and the reservoir quality for geofluid storage. We welcome contributions on the role and behavior of fault systems during fluid circulation at different crustal levels, from diagenetic brittle to metamorphic ductile condition, on regional/case studies, on recent advances in methods and techniques for fluid characterization and fluid pathway reconstruction, and on fluid-rock interaction modeling. We definitely encourage contributions dealing with various types of fluids (basinal, hydrothermal, and magmatic fluids), as well as with rock alteration-related fluid flow, mineralizations, and formation of ore bodies.

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Stephen E. Laubach, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, USA
Title: Scale-dependent fracture patterns and flow in low-enthalpy geothermal targets: the role of diagenesis and contingent nodes

Prof. Fabrizio Agosta, Basilicata University, Italy
Title: Permeability structures of carbonate fault zones

Prof. Francesca Remitti, Modena and Reggio Emilia University, Italy
Title: Fluids and deformation processes at shallow subduction megathrust: hints from ancient analogues

Dr. Nicolas Beaudoin, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
Title: Reconstructing past fluid migrations in fold-and-thrust belts and forelands using geochemistry

Please give a look to the GeoHost Support Program of the IGC2024 designed to enable deserving geoscientists and geoscience students to attend the Congress whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation (https://www.igc2024korea.org/content/14400).

See you in Busan!

Luca Smeraglia, National Research Council of Italy
Chang-Min Kim, Kangwon National University
Youngbeom Cheon, KIGAM