Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Giulio Di Toro (Università di Padova), vi segnaliamo la seguente call per 11 posizioni di dottorato alla cui selezione possono partecipare cittadine/i residenti in Italia, scegliendo però, tra le posizioni del bando, quelle che hanno come sede un'Università non Italiana.
Per informazioni dettagliate sugli 11 progetti, si rimanda al seguente link
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Call for application of 11 PhD positions in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network "TREAD: daTa and pRocessess in sEismic hAzarD" project:
Deadline for applications: April 15, 2023
We aim to start all PhD positions the latest by October 31, 2023.
The aim of TREAD is to train a new generation of researchers to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic settings using integrated observations and physics.
The TREAD objectives are:
(i) to develop a novel integrative approach to seismic hazard analysis in Europe and the Mediterranean from small-scale laboratory experiments to large-scale observations.
(ii) to establish physics-based earthquake modelling bridging time scales from millions of years to fractions of a second in complex tectonic settings.
(iii) to improve the link between earthquake geology, computational modelling and hazard and risk assessment with a focus on the needs of governments, industry and scientific stakeholders.
The TREAD consortium comprises 14 academic and 8 non-academic institutions, of which 8 private partners, of high scientific level, from 7 European countries, covering cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in the fields of observational, experimental and modelling.
Call per 11 posizioni di dottorato - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network