Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Francesco Dela Pierre (Università di Torino), vi segnaliamo la sessione "Evaporitic sedimentary environments, processes and products, with emphasis on the Messinian Salinity Crisis", organizzata nell'ambito del 36th International meeting of sedimentology (Dubrovnik, June 12-16).
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Dear all,
We are glad to announce the Call for abstracts for session 10.1. SS 1: "Evaporitic sedimentary environments, processes and products, with emphasis on the Messinian Salinity Crisis" (Convenors: Francesco Dela Pierre and Luis Gibert), which is organized for the 36th IAS meeting of Sedimentology (Dubrovnik, HR, 12 – 16 June, 2023).
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 February 2023.
You can find more details about the meeting at
The second circular can be downloaded here
We are looking forward to meeting you in Dubrovnik
Luis and Francesco
10.1. Special Session: Evaporitic sedimentary environments, processes and products, with emphasis on the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Convenors: Francesco Dela Pierre (Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Italy) and Luis Gibert (Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology, Spain).
Evaporites are chemical sediments formed in saline environments where evaporation generates brines concentrated in different compounds. These evaporitic rocks and associated brines have economic interest since are the source of basic materials used in construction, as gypsum, or strategic elements for the development of our society, as Na, K, Li, B. Because of their particular petrophysical properties evaporites are important in tectonic processes. They form detachment surfaces, diapirs and minibasins, playing a key role in the genesis and sealed structure of hydrocarbon reservoirs. During these energy transition times, thick evaporitic units have been proved useful to produce artificial reservoirs to store gas (hydrogen, methane etc). Finally, evaporites are excellent archive of biological activity, since both extremophile communities (archeaa, bacteria) and the organisms that live above the pycnoclines (diatoms, forams etc.) are rapidly trapped in the evaporites and often excellently preserved. All these forms of live supply important information about the sedimentary setting and some of them favor the formation of bio-induced minerals as for example dolomite. This session is addressed to all researchers working on different aspects of evaporitic sediments from ancient environments to modern analogs, from deep-sea brine pools to shallow continental salars. We welcome to this session studies related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, when the youngest Salt Giant on Earth was formed in the Mediterranean region.
36th International meeting of sedimentology - Session 'Evaporitic sedimentary environments, processes and products, with emphasis on the Messinian Salinity Crisis'