EGU 2023 - Call for abstracts session 'SSP4.3 - Biocalcifier resilience during global changes'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione della Dott.ssa Gaia Crippa (Università di Milano Statale), vi segnaliamo la Call for Abstracts relativa alla sessione SSP4.3 "Biocalcifier resilience during global changes", organizzata nell'ambito dell'EGU General Assembly 2023.

Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria

Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the following session "SSP4.3 - Biocalcifier resilience during global changes" at the EGU General Assembly, that will take place on 23-28 April 2023 (Vienna and online).
Please find all the details about our session as well as the link for submitting your abstract here and at: 
Deadline for abstract submission: 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET

The Earth has experienced several environmental disturbances, with varied tempos and modes of ecosystem resilience, occasionally reaching tipping-points that triggered permanent modification in abundance, biodiversity, ecological range and biomineralization processes of marine calcifiers. Given enough time, a resilient ecosystem may be able to fully recover from perturbations, but continuing stress can severely compromise that resilience. Benthic and planktic marine calcifiers (e.g., molluscs, brachiopods, corals, calcareous algae, foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton) are greatly impacted by these global perturbations. With this session we encourage contributions analysing the adaptative (or not) response of marine biocalcifiers from pelagic and neritic ecosystems to global stresses and the effects on their ability to mineralize, on marine biodiversity and on changes in species distribution during global perturbations.
We welcome studies on modern biota, that are vital for measuring ecosystem resilience at short-term, as well as those from the geological record that are fundamental to scrutinize the medium- and long-term response prior to human disturbances. We invite research based on multidisciplinary approaches (e.g., morphometric analysis, species abundance, distribution patterns and biodiversity, sclerochronology and growth rate, biomineralization, geochemistry, stratigraphic paleontology, paleoecology) in order to investigate the tempo and mode of response of marine biocalcifiers to (paleo)environmental and (paleo)climatic perturbations. 
We are looking forward to receiving your contributions and to an enthusiastic participation in this session.

The Conveners
Gaia Crippa, Elizabeth Harper, Antonino Briguglio, Mariano Parente